1970 Build date - NCRS Discussion Boards

1970 Build date

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  • Jordan S.
    • December 17, 2007
    • 113

    1970 Build date

    My 1970 convertible trim tag shows date G07. Is this July 07, 1970 or February 07, 1970? My protecto plate shows a build month "7" and my engine number is T0702CZU (July 02, 1970?)

    Do these numbers "match"?
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • September 30, 1980
    • 15543

    Re: 1970 Build date

    1970 was an unusual model year. Production started in January, 1970; so G07 = July 7, 1970. Of course that is the seventh month of production, and your Mark IV engine was assembled at Tonawanda (suburban Buffalo), NY, on July 2.
    I intensely dislike the term "matching numbers" because there is no generally accepted definition of the term. Let's just say all those dates are what one would expect.


    • Jordan S.
      • December 17, 2007
      • 113

      Re: 1970 Build date



      • Chris L.
        Very Frequent User
        • October 31, 1998
        • 271

        Re: 1970 Build date

        Terry....I agree whole heartedly...matching numbers has become a very loosly used term. I have seen a lot of matching number cars that in reality the only numbers that matched were the front and rear license plates!! Today the new terms that dealers and auction houses are over abusing are 'tribute car" and "date code correct" to sway the unknowing buyer in to thinking they are buying a real car. It's sad but true.


        • Jim T.
          • February 28, 1993
          • 5351

          Re: 1970 Build date

          Jordan congratulations on purchasing a one owner 1970 Corvette. I still have my bought new 1970 coupe. Your cars numbers are close to mine. I have a G08 on the trim plate and the "7" on the protecto-plate. My engine is a SB but has the same date as yours, V0702CTG. What are the numbers for your rear end? Mine are CAV0702W. My trans is a turbo 400 with 70CK4275 stamping. Having the protecto-plate is great to verify the numbers on the engine, transmission, and rear end. I lost my original alternator when it was replaced under warranty.


          • Tony H.
            Very Frequent User
            • May 31, 1993
            • 537

            Re: 1970 Build date

            Hi Jordan,

            I also have a 70 LS-5 with the same engine stamp as yours T0702CZU. Like yours, mine has a manual 4 spd with PS. It looks like mechanically, ours are very similar. I'd like to compare notes sometime.



            • Jordan S.
              • December 17, 2007
              • 113

              Re: 1970 Build date

              Jim, I have not been under the car to check the rear end or transmission yet but the prior owner stated they're original. Protecto plate number for rear end=CAT0505W and trans=P0H15. The car had not been registered since 1999 when I aquired it and is in need of some TLC.

              I'm doing the front suspension/ brakes and cooling system this winter. Trying to resist the "while I'm at it syndrome" so I'll be able to enjoy the car next spring. I too am missing the original alternator, in addition to the water pump.



              • Jordan S.
                • December 17, 2007
                • 113

                Re: 1970 Build date

                Private e-mail sent



                • Jim T.
                  • February 28, 1993
                  • 5351

                  Re: 1970 Build date

                  Jordan according to the NCRS Specifications Guide your CAT rear end is an 3:08 heavy duty. You can probably shift at WOT at least at 60 mph from first to second and about 90 or more from second to third. My SB is an 3:08.


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