Is the Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette same as 57 Bel Air ? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Is the Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette same as 57 Bel Air ?

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  • Theodore K.
    • November 30, 1985
    • 214

    Is the Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette same as 57 Bel Air ?

    My 1957 corvette still has the original fuse block in it. Recently, I blew a fuse and changed the fuse but when I turned the radio on the fuse holder arced and got hot. Obviously this has a bad connection. I have looked at the various catalogs I have but cannot find a source for a replacement fuse block. Any suggestions where to look?Thanks---Ted
  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 23, 2008
    • 2391

    Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

    Lectric Limited advertises in the Driveline.


    • William C.
      NCRS Past President
      • May 31, 1975
      • 6037

      Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

      Individual Fuse holders are snapped into the "Fuseblock" ofter being machine crimped to an individual wire. This is NOT a do-it yourself project for anyone without a significant amount of specialized tooling. The original fuseclips were stamped, then heat treated, copper plated with a silver plating over the copper. Platings required Cyanide based chemical solutions. NOT a "do it yourself" project...( I was the quality control supervisor for the area in the early 1970's...)
      Bill Clupper #618


      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • November 30, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

        Ted -

        I don't believe I've ever seen a reproduction/replacement '57 fuse panel - just the later '58-up black molded plastic fuse blocks. Mine were usable on my 57's, so I never had to try and find replacements.



        • Kent S.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 31, 1993
          • 199

          Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

          Any chance it's like a '57 Bel Air? If so, I'm installing a new (upgraded) harness - American Autowire - in my car and will have the original fuseblock available.


          • Steven B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • June 30, 1982
            • 3949

            Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

            Try Grosmueller's. Steve


            • Mike E.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • February 28, 1975
              • 5115

              Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

              Send me your address and I'll send you one. If it works, send me whatever.


              • Theodore K.
                • November 30, 1985
                • 214

                Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

                Hi Mike, We have spoken before. I think you grew up in Scottsbluff, NE and your father was pastor at St. Johns. that is where I live & go to St. Johns. My address is:Ted Von Kampen2426 6th AveScottsbluff, Ne 69361 Thanks, Ted


                • Steven B.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • June 30, 1982
                  • 3949

                  Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

                  Ted, have you been to Husker Motors there? Did you know Dom? Steve


                  • Theodore K.
                    • November 30, 1985
                    • 214

                    Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

                    Hi Steven, Yes I have been to Husker motors in the past. They have a very nice 1957 fuelie that I have looked at in the past. Unfortunately DOM passed away a few years ago and some relative runs it now I think. They still have nice cars. Jack, their head mechanic who was always very helpful retired last year I think. He is around town somewhere. Anyway, Mike Ernest came up with one that after some prolonged cleaning did the job. Thanks for your reply...Ted


                    • Steven B.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • June 30, 1982
                      • 3949

                      Re: Source for new or good used Fuse Block for 1957 Corvette

                      Originally posted by Theodore Von Kampen (9402)
                      Hi Steven, Yes I have been to Husker motors in the past. They have a very nice 1957 fuelie that I have looked at in the past. Unfortunately DOM passed away a few years ago and some relative runs it now I think. They still have nice cars. Jack, their head mechanic who was always very helpful retired last year I think. He is around town somewhere. Anyway, Mike Ernest came up with one that after some prolonged cleaning did the job. Thanks for your reply...Ted
                      Ted, great place, huh? I contacted them last year and spoke with Dom's nephew who now runs the place. Fewer rare parts now. Steve


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