Ncrs bylaws

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  • Donald A.
    • January 7, 2013
    • 239

    Re: Ncrs bylaws

    I am President of the International Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club, a 501c3 organization that is 40 years old. We are required to post our Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws as a non-profit for the membership. The Board determines changes to the By-Laws and the membership votes for the Board positions.

    I'm new to this vocation of classic corvettes and not even sure what the NCRS is registered as. Are we a non-profit? Different rules apply to different groups

    PS. BTW very few of the membership ever bothers to even read this kind of stuff. It's generally only talked about by a small percentage of members.


    • Dick W.
      Former NCRS Director Region IV
      • July 1, 1985
      • 10483

      Re: Ncrs bylaws

      Originally posted by Donald Ayers (57880)
      I am President of the International Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club, a 501c3 organization that is 40 years old. We are required to post our Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws as a non-profit for the membership. The Board determines changes to the By-Laws and the membership votes for the Board positions.

      I'm new to this vocation of classic corvettes and not even sure what the NCRS is registered as. Are we a non-profit? Different rules apply to different groups

      PS. BTW very few of the membership ever bothers to even read this kind of stuff. It's generally only talked about by a small percentage of members.
      IRS 501 (c) 7
      Dick Whittington


      • Edward M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • November 1, 1985
        • 1915

        Re: Ncrs bylaws

        Originally posted by Loren Lundberg (912)
        Keep on jousting with windmill, Don McComas........but wear your disguise.....
        Never give up, never surrender...wait, that was from Galaxy Quest.A bird in the hand beats two in the bush...not sure how that applies.What was the question again?Pedro confused by all this


        • Dave B.
          Very Frequent User
          • May 1, 1984
          • 248

          Re: Ncrs bylaws

          Dick,I have a PDF copy dated March 26, 2011. If you wish, I can email it to you.Dave


          • Edward M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • November 1, 1985
            • 1915

            Re: Ncrs bylaws

            Does anyone know what the date of the current by-laws is?


            • Dick W.
              Former NCRS Director Region IV
              • July 1, 1985
              • 10483

              Re: Ncrs bylaws

              Originally posted by Dave Barclay (7369)
              Dick,I have a PDF copy dated March 26, 2011. If you wish, I can email it to you.Dave
              Thanks Dave, alter member emailed me what is supposed to be the most current.
              Dick Whittington


              • Michael J.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • January 27, 2009
                • 7033

                Re: Ncrs bylaws

                This is probably an issue more of us should be interested in. Having served (and am still serving) on several BODs of for-profit Fortune 500 and non-profits foundations over the last 15 years, there are responsibilities where the BOD members are accountable to the stakeholders or stockholders of the organization. We all should be informed of these as well.
                Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


                • Ian G.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • September 4, 2007
                  • 1114

                  Re: Ncrs bylaws

                  can you guys just post it here?


                  • Edward M.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • November 1, 1985
                    • 1915

                    Re: Ncrs bylaws

                    It is too big to attach. I have suggested that NCRS just post this on their website. A lot of non profit organizations do this for their by-laws and the IRS financial reporting documents.My suggestion is working it's way through the system.


                    • Daniel K.
                      Frequent User
                      • January 27, 2009
                      • 31

                      Re: Ncrs bylaws

                      Not to get off topic, but does local chapters of the NCRS have to follow the same guide lines stated in the NCRS bylaws? I just quit my local chapter because they didn't. We had no voting rights and the board members were not elected but appointed by the board.
                      1973 coupe
                      Chapter Top Flight


                      • Harry S.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • August 1, 2002
                        • 5187

                        Re: Ncrs bylaws

                        Originally posted by Daniel Kollins (49903)
                        Not to get off topic, but does local chapters of the NCRS have to follow the same guide lines stated in the NCRS bylaws? I just quit my local chapter because they didn't. We had no voting rights and the board members were not elected but appointed by the board.
                        As I recall each Chapter has by-laws. In ours, the Chapter Chair, Vice Chapter Chair, Secretary, Membership Chair and Treasurer are elected by the members at our January Kickoff meeting. The Judging Chair and the Activities Chair are selected by the Chapter Chair. Any changes to the by-laws are reviewed and approved by our board, but they are only approved to take to the members to vote on. Therefore our members really approve any by-laws changes.


                        • Don H.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • December 1, 1981
                          • 1469

                          Re: Ncrs bylaws

                          I think the Chapters should have their own rules and/or bylaws (ours does). They do have to do certain things to retain their Chapter status from the National. Don H.


                          • Reba W.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • July 1, 1985
                            • 928

                            Re: Ncrs bylaws

                            There is a publication entitled NCRS Chapter Guidelines and Operations Manual that spells out how in detail how to organize and operate a chapter, including writing bylaws and electing officers. Chapter chairmen should have a copy; if not, contact your regional representative.

                            My chapter is voting on two bylaws amendments at our fall business meeting.


                            • Ray G.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • June 1, 1986
                              • 1187

                              Re: Ncrs bylaws

                              Surely someone on this TDB can answer Dick's original question?

                              Post #21 does not seem to indicate the bylaws, which seem to be changing often according to current info, are available to members in general.

                              What do our bylaws state about bylaw access by general membership?

                              Just wondering if we are becoming the NCRSS.
                              Last edited by Ray G.; June 27, 2014, 08:32 AM. Reason: clarification
                              And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
                              I hope you dance


                              • Ray G.
                                Extremely Frequent Poster
                                • June 1, 1986
                                • 1187

                                Re: Ncrs bylaws

                                Secret Society
                                And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
                                I hope you dance


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