1966 K66 ( Transistorized ignition )

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  • Mark C.
    • October 28, 2013
    • 8

    1966 K66 ( Transistorized ignition )

    Does anyone know if transistorized ignition was mandatory on high horse power big block cars (425hp or more) or was it an option?
  • Mike Z.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1988
    • 226

    Re: 1966 K66 ( Transistorized ignition )

    Yes, starting in 65 the 396/425HP, 66 427/425HP, and all mech lifter cam 67-69 motors, 70 LT-1, 71 LS-6, all required the co-option of K-66. K-66 was an option for other HP ratings 350-400HP from 64-69. Discontinued after the 71 LS-6 application. Pontiac actually took the lead and introduced K-66 in 63 and used a similar to Corvette system through 66, then in 67 switched one year only to UHV-a similar system, but more complex (more transistors) amp. Olds had a CD/UHV from 66-68 in many of their HiPo motors, but neither Pontiac nor Olds had any co-required motor/TI combos.


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