Shift linkage adjustment

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  • David H.
    • November 11, 2009
    • 777

    Shift linkage adjustment

    My brother's '62 has a tendency to pop out of 2nd gear sometimes.
    Is there a specific process to follow to check the linkage adjustments?

  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1985
    • 4232

    Re: Shift linkage adjustment

    Popping out of gear is generally not a shifter adjustment issue. You most likely have bad syncro.


    • Mike E.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 1, 1975
      • 5106

      Re: Shift linkage adjustment

      Most likely it is popping out of second when decelerating. That's tired transmission insides, not a shifter issue. It's generally repaired by replacing an original slider with a replacement one that will do a better job of holding things in place and not letting it pop out. The way the gears are stacked on a T-10, there is much greater susceptibility to wear than in a Muncie.


      • William C.
        NCRS Past President
        • June 1, 1975
        • 6037

        Re: Shift linkage adjustment

        As Mike points out, problem is generally with the second gear synchro teeth "wearing down" over time. There are special slider gears that can help with this problem, but as the whole trans has to come out and apart to install them, might as well invest in a new second gear at the same time.
        Bill Clupper #618


        • John T.
          NCRS Financial Officer
          • January 1, 1983
          • 287

          Re: Shift linkage adjustment

          To directly answer your question - The adjustment procedure is in section 12-29 of the 1961 Chevrolet Passenger Car Shop Manual. Having said that, I agree that a bad syncro is the problem.

          Hope this helps


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