Were early 65 keys and locks different?

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  • Dan S.
    • October 24, 2007
    • 36

    Were early 65 keys and locks different?

    I'm in the process of restoring the spare tire tub and obtaining a spare tire lock for my 65 Roadster with an early VIN number. In my search for information I found a reference suggesting that early 65 models used the same key for all locks. The 65 Information Manual & Judging Guide I have states their should be a separate key for the glovebox and spare tire lock. Can anyone verify this so that I make the correct purchase?

  • James B.
    • December 1, 1992
    • 281

    Re: Were early 65 keys and locks different?

    Dan, can't help with the basic question but you said you were repairing the tire tub. I have been working on forms and experimenting with pigments to repair my own tub and cover and am helping a friend who has a couple of tubs to repair. I have finally found a pigment mix that will duplicate the correct gray/black color of the fiberglass. If you have an interest I will pass on the source and info. Regards, Jim Baker


    • Peter L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 1, 1983
      • 1930

      Re: Were early 65 keys and locks different?

      Dan - The original door lock cases & the ignition & GB lock cylinders on the '65 Corvette & other C2 Corvettes had the KEY NUMBERs stamped on them. While I would expect that even early '65 Corvettes to have the octagon head GM/Briggs & Stratton key for the ignition & door locks & the round head GM/B&S key for the GB & spare tire locks as described in the 1965 Corvette AIM in UPC 1 DOORS, K9 which calls out KEY 7002202 - HEX HEAD (which does not have a HEX HEAD & is in fact an octagon head shaped key head, I guess the drafting folks did not do so well in Geometry class) & 7002232 - ROUND HEAD. You can test the early '65 Corvette "theory" on your car by checking the KEY #s stamped on the ignition & GB lock cylinders & see if they are stamped with the same KEY #s as were the '63 & '64 Corvette ignition & GB lock cylinders or different KEY #s as would have been typical on the '65 & '66 Corvettes. Have fun. Pete


      • Dan S.
        • October 24, 2007
        • 36

        Re: Were early 65 keys and locks different?

        James, I'm very interested in the pigment mix. Please send the information.

        Pete, I appreciate the background information you provided. I will do exactly as you suggest.

        My thanks to both of you.




        • James B.
          • December 1, 1992
          • 281

          Re: Were early 65 keys and locks different?

          Dan, sorry for the delay in responding. I am now deep into my '67 restoration- the point at which it gets all consuming. To make matters worse I lost my invoice on the pigments & had to go through history to find the web site. Anyway, we tried a couple of different things that didn't work to color the resin; first paint and then black and white dyes from a woodworking store. In those attempts we either couldn't get the color right or the final product came out with a bluish tint in sunlight (maybe the resin affecting the color??). I finally went on line and found a carbon fibre and fiberglass supplier- iLLstreet composites-http://www.carbonfiberglass.com I ordered from them two 1oz bottles of pigment, Gunsmoke grey (light grey) and black. They recommend 1 oz pigment for 1 QUART resin- So, my first dilemma was how to ratio that down. To test I laid out 4 test strips of mat (1"X4", three strips per test). I measured out 3 oz of resin and used soda straws - sticking the straw into the little bottle of pigment, held my finger tip on the end of the straw and then let the straw drip into the resin (another way might be to get very small measuring spoons, 1/8 tsp as example). I measured 6 "drops" (not very precise) of black for the first strip. I then started adding increasing amounts of grey for the remaining test strips- #2, two drops grey, #3, two more drops, #4 two more drops. For my tub a mixture of about 2:1 (black/grey) looked the best in both sunlight and shop light. Both my tub and cover had to be repaired so I have made forms for both. I have now repaired my tub and one for a friend and we will do a second tub of his next week. I did my cover (making a form for that was a real challenge) yesterday with this pigment. It looks good now and I will confirm when I break off the form on Tuesday. Hope this is helpful & good luck, Jim Baker


          • Dan S.
            • October 24, 2007
            • 36

            Re: Were early 65 keys and locks different?


            Thanks for taking the time to provide your information on mixing the resin. I'm not looking forward to the project but feel better about it thanks to your help.



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