mid-year Kelsey-Hayes wheels...order yours "today"

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  • Anthony S.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 1998
    • 156

    mid-year Kelsey-Hayes wheels...order yours "today"

    ...Well only l if "today" was Oct/Nov of 1977!. I was paging thourgh some old Corvette News magazines last week. And in the Oct / Nov 1977 issue, on the first page,
    I found that you could order a set of mid year K-H knock-offs, and it said that they were using the old mold that they happen to find. THe part number for the wheel is
    listed as D-54461 and it indicated that the casting would be the familar D-49985 seen on original wheels. So has anyone ever seen any of these late 70's K-H wheels??? Has anyone ever ordered such a wheel through the contacts listed in the Corvette News Article? The next logical question about this would be what date code they would use: has anyone ever seen a K-H wheel with a late 1970's date??? Can anyone provide additional info about this subject???

    Here is a link that gives the history of the company:
    Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

    I have also seen on the internet that KH had purchased Western Wheel at some point...does anyone have any info on that?
    Last edited by Anthony S.; May 3, 2014, 10:03 PM. Reason: additional info added
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: mid-year Kelsey-Hayes wheels...order yours "today"

    Originally posted by Anthony Soltyka (30469)

    I have also seen on the internet that KH had purchased Western Wheel at some point...does anyone have any info on that?
    Anthony -

    Kelsey-Hayes produced and sold their products primarily to Tier 1 OEM's as original equipment; Western Wheel was a wholly-owned subsidiary, which served as their aftermarket retail channel.


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