C1 radio delete cars

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  • Robert N.
    • February 14, 2014
    • 3

    C1 radio delete cars

    I recently acquired a 1957 Corvette. It had been judged in pretty rough shape in 2005 and scored in the Tier 3 category. The car took some judging deductions on the radio. The radio was not correct, the speaker was not correct, and the shielding was missing. The car has an antenna, but the antenna wire is not routed correctly. The judge made refernce to a radio delete car and should be radio delete totally or not. The judging book tells the judge to look in the trunk for a patched antenna hole, but doesn't say whether one should be patched or no hole at all. I assume a previous owner could have incorrectly added a radio and drilled the antenna hole. I would like to restore the car as a radio delete car, but not if it was not one originally. All this said, I hope someone reads the long explanation, my question is "how do you identify a radio delete car from the Factory"?
  • Edward L.
    • January 1, 1993
    • 278

    Re: C1 radio delete cars

    Is the current antenna mounted in the correct position? The location, if memory serves, should be about 6 inches from the rear of the tailight. If the hole is where it should be, the chances are good that it was a radio car originally.

    Next, check the area between the trunk bulkhead and the left rear fender to see if any remnents remain of the original antenna cable. These cables where bonded in place at that location and are difficult to remove since it will pass down to the rocker panel and up to the front of the car. If it was a situation where a prior owner wanted a radio, it is doubtful that any great effort would have been made to remove any of the wiring.



    • David S.
      Very Frequent User
      • December 1, 1982
      • 310

      Re: C1 radio delete cars

      Hi Robert,
      I also recently purchased a 57 that had a radio added. I removed the added radio and took many picture's of the installation. Cable running down the passenger side of the car to the trunk. Lack of ground straps in the engine compartment and on the exhaust system. Check the driver side rear fender in the trunk to see if it was ever drilled for the support bracket. Lack of capacitors on the generator, voltage regulator & coil. Front wheel static collectors. Exhaust manifold angle brackets for shielding. Rear ground strap to the antenna.
      Robert I think we should talk on the phone and compare notes


      • Joe M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 1, 1990
        • 1337

        Re: C1 radio delete cars

        Robert, the term "radio delete" is not exactly accurate, but used all of the time. All C1 Corvettes were built without a radio as it was an option. Technically, the radio wasn't deleted from the car; it was either added as an option or never had a radio from day one.

        It is my understanding that on the underside of the finder, there was a tiny fiberglass nipple that guided the installer on where to drill the hole. You might check for the presence of the nipple.


        • Greg P.
          1961-62 Team Leader
          • March 1, 1985
          • 54

          Re: C1 radio delete cars

          Dave Smith another 57?


          • Robert N.
            • February 14, 2014
            • 3

            Re: C1 radio delete cars


            What time zone are you in? I've been out of the country and just now getting back into the forum, sorry for the delay. I live in CST.


            • Steven B.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • July 1, 1982
              • 3936

              Re: C1 radio delete cars

              Robert, if you will be at the NCRS/Lone Star Corvette Club meet at Texas Motor Speedway this Saturday look me up at the Texas Chapter NCRS area. I also have a '57. Steve


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