Gents, I'm getting my TI distributor rebuilt and ordering a new wiring harness, connectors, etc..., but I have a question about the coil. The original 263 coil is MIA so I'll have to get another one. I have the replacement solid state amplifier module installed in my amp and looking at the Paragon web site, it states in Tech Tip #48 that I can "use ANY stock Delco coil rather than purchasing an expensive TI coil". I really don't want to spend $150 on a repop 263 coil if ANY stock Delco coil will do (especially since everything's hidden under the ignition shielding anyway and you can't see it), but I don't see how a stock Delco 20k volt, 1.4 ohm coil will work when the TI coil specs out as 40k volts and .45 ohms! Am I missing something or is Paragon wrong? Paragon sells a replacement TI coil (P/N 14470) for $65 but does anyone have any input on this coil? It's half the price of the repop 263 so that's good for my pocket book! I was also looking at the Flame Thrower II coil. It's very close to what the original 263 coil was - 45k volts and .6 ohms.
If anyone has info on a good replacement TI coil, please let me know.
If anyone has info on a good replacement TI coil, please let me know.