Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock - NCRS Discussion Boards

Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

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  • Dan P.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 30, 1990
    • 683

    Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

    I sent my Tach and clock out to be restored. I gave the restore very clear instruction that at all cost I wanted to preserve the original dates,lettering and plating on the cans . All were in great shape.The dates and lettering looked like the day they were done. The Clock was to be $225.00 and the tach a little more . I supplied the lens's and the bill was $600.00 .He must have taped over the dates and lettering and then BEAD BLASTED all the original plating off.Of coarse when he pulled the tape off it took most all of the dates and lettering with it.You can barley make out some of what use to be there bust most of it is gone. .He did then clear over the dates and lettering and then masked over them before painting them with cast paint that does not look any thing like cadmium. There are several paints on the market that look like cadmium.He then pulled the tape of leaving a big square around what little off the dates and numbers you can read.Does not even come close to looking original.I asked before i sent them off if he replaced the grommets and the answer was yes . The clock came back with the old cracked grommets.When i confronted him I was told he had been doing this type of work on NCRS and Bloomington cars for 30 years and could not understand why I was upset.Of coase he asked if there was anything he could do for me . I asked if he had NEW grommets for the clock and NO answer so far.So now I have to tear these apart and have them cadmium plated.So does any one know of some one who can stamp the dates and lettering on after i have them plated.
  • Troy P.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 31, 1989
    • 1279

    Re: Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

    I doubt you'll find anyone. If you can make out the font and size you can have stamps made.

    From all the clocks I've seen there is only a date. So a common changable date stamp was likely used. Should be at your local stationary/office supply store.

    As for the tach you'll need to have one or more stamps made. You can find stamp companies on the internet.


    • Chris S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 31, 1999
      • 1064

      Re: Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

      Paul Mazut or Clocks by Roger
      or like what Troy said a changeable stamp.

      My orig 54 clock is stamped into the clock vs an ink stamp - which I thought was pretty cool....
      1954 Corvette #3803 - Top Flight 2012, Bloomington Gold 2012,
      Triple Diamond Award 2012, Gold Concourse Award 2012, Regional and National Top Flight 2014
      1954 Corvette #3666 - "The Blue Devil" - Pennant Blue - restoration started
      1957 Corvette - FI 3 sp - Black and Silver


      • Ronald L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • October 18, 2009
        • 3248

        Re: Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

        Dan, if you have a good picture of it before, you can get this done pretty easily, I doubt though office supply have what you need as these were industrial stamps, but there are places that should be able to help once you have the art work.


        • Dan P.
          Very Frequent User
          • November 30, 1990
          • 683

          Re: Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

          Thanks for all the help . Thanks to Tim Mickey . He told me who to call and after talking to him I shipped them to him to get cadmium plated and restamped.He understood that some cars are full blown restoration and some cars are survivor .No one makes the clock bushings but he has some good used ones.


          • Steven B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • June 30, 1982
            • 3949

            Re: Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

            Dan, in the early 90s I spoke with David Shatz (sp?) in New York state who years before had located the company that made the original stamps for the 1957 AC 8000 RPM tach. He had the company reproduce a stamp for him. David had an original tach and was going to reproduce some. I don't know if he did. I may have his address and/or phone number around here. There was also someone in Kansas, I believe, who was going to repro them also about the same time. I have his name and number somewhere, also. I am certain Tim has led you to an excellent source. Steve


            • Eric A.
              • December 20, 2012
              • 126

              Re: Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

              I made my own stamp by taking a few apart from Staples, they were the right fonts and sizes for the tach. However, I am trying to do the same for the Clock but don't have a good photo of the date format on the clock. I have seen a few dates on the back of the clock but most of them on the side. Does anyone have a clear photo of the date format on the C1 clocks ?


              • Eric A.
                • December 20, 2012
                • 126

                Re: Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

                Do you have a photo of your clocking dating format before you sent it off, if so can you share it or email me. working on a 58' and same thing happen to me.. fixed the tach with some creative stamp making but dont have a photo of the clock format and font size to go by. Eallen@aphenapharma.com


                • Troy P.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • January 31, 1989
                  • 1279

                  Re: Who can stamp the lettering and dates on a 1957 Tach and clock

                  Here are two 1954 clocks. I only deal with 53-55 parts so I can't speak for what you should find on a 58 clock. As I recall the 58 clock is not even a Delco. Correct?

                  BTW, seems to me these housings are aluminum. So they don't need to be replated. Just shine them up with steel wool and avoid the date stamp area like I do. In any case if really thin metal parts like this were actually plated they would typically be electro tin plated, not cad or zinc. Same goes for the cigar lighter shell, radio casing, etc.
                  Date stamp 001.jpgDate stamp 002.jpg


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