How is 66 grill center attached?

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  • Henry J.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1999
    • 457

    Re: How is 66 grill center attached?


    Oooops! I see from my post why you posed these questions. I mis-typed and I apologize to all.

    My car #19676 DOES HAVE the center bar.

    Perhaps I should stay away from the bar!


    • Joe R.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 1, 2006
      • 1822

      Re: How is 66 grill center attached?

      Originally posted by David Liukkonen (3775)

      Look in the 1967 Corvette AIM (UPC 11-13, sheet B1). If you don't have one send me a PM.

      Dave was kind enough to send the AIM sheet he mentioned. I thought I would post it here for future reference.



      • Joe R.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 1, 2006
        • 1822

        Re: How is 66 grill center attached?

        Originally posted by James Baker (21868)
        Joe, I am in the middle of restoring my '67. Mine was tapped in the nose and the top tab broken like yours. Our shop has a 65 and 66 that I believe are both unhit cars and I duplicated those tabs. They are like an inverted triangle with the tip (pointing down rounded off). However it is not an equilateral triangle. The passenger side is longer and has more of an angle than the drivers side. Hard to explain, I'll try to attach two pics. One of the 66 with grill in place and one of my car and the tab I fabricated.[ATTACH=CONFIG]51980[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]51981[/ATTACH]My restorer/mentor explained that this tab needs to be quite sturdy, particularly on 66 and earlier cars with no brace. If you are going to rebuild this tab PM me and I will explain how I did it- trying to get something as robust as possible while still looking original.


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