Correct vacuum hose for c2

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  • King M.
    • December 7, 2013
    • 135

    Correct vacuum hose for c2

    What was the original vacuum hose used on a 67? Was it white striped or did it have raised ridges running the length of the hose? Was the same type hose used for the wipers, distributor advance, heater valve and vacuum to heater box? I also have a larger hose running from port of intake through the firewall. I checked the judging standards but I did not find a description, perhaps I missed it. Thanks
  • Edward J.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 16, 2008
    • 6939

    Re: Correct vacuum hose for c2

    King, most of the vacuum hoses I have seen have raised ribs, you will sometimes see 1/2/3 ribs and also paint strips, (most of the time to identify hoses for routing purposes) , the ribs is how the manufactures identify there hoses. I think the vacuum advance hose is generally marked with a white strip. As for the washer hoses they were of the ribbed variety. Not to sure if the A/C and heater control valve hoses were painted in 67, but think they would be to help make sure they were routed correctly when something was taken apart.
    New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


    • Michael H.
      • January 29, 2008
      • 7477

      Re: Correct vacuum hose for c2

      Originally posted by King Martin (59277)
      What was the original vacuum hose used on a 67? Was it white striped or did it have raised ridges running the length of the hose? Was the same type hose used for the wipers, distributor advance, heater valve and vacuum to heater box? I also have a larger hose running from port of intake through the firewall. I checked the judging standards but I did not find a description, perhaps I missed it. Thanks

      I don't think vacuum hose with a white strip was used on any C2 cars.

      There wasn't much to mix up in the way of hoses back in that era.

      For 68 and later, hose with a white stripe became common.


      • Jim D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 1, 1985
        • 2882

        Re: Correct vacuum hose for c2

        Originally posted by Michael Hanson (4067)

        I don't think vacuum hose with a white strip was used on any C2 cars.

        There wasn't much to mix up in the way of hoses back in that era.

        For 68 and later, hose with a white stripe became common.
        The original hose on my 65 300HP has no stripes or ribs.


        • Steven B.
          Very Frequent User
          • April 12, 2012
          • 233

          Re: Correct vacuum hose for c2

          I remembered replacing my hose a while back. The '67' Technical Information Manual and Judging Guide references on page 132, "A black vacuum hose is ribbed, white striped, or both". The one I replaced as well as the replacement I wound up with had three ribs and a white stripe. As to the significance of the white stripe, I have no idea. I bet you could get the stripe off easily. Any hose would work if you don't need the stripe or ribs.
          Last edited by Steven B.; March 19, 2014, 03:30 AM.


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