75 roadster rear cover hinges

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  • Ross F.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 1, 2004
    • 167

    75 roadster rear cover hinges

    Ok, I give. Is there some secret to getting to the top bolts that hold the hinge assembly to the body? I'm about 2 hours and a pint of blood into this and don't have one of them out yet.
    Going in the house for a beer and wait for your help.
  • Mark S.
    • February 1, 2002
    • 110

    Re: 75 roadster rear cover hinges

    Are you refering to the base spring mount inside the body? If so that is the rear body mount, access head inside the rear wheel well.


    • Ross F.
      Very Frequent User
      • September 1, 2004
      • 167

      Re: 75 roadster rear cover hinges

      Mark, correct.
      The hinge spring assembly has 3 bolts one attaches to the #4 body mounts and 2 attach to the rear deck. I can't for the life of me get to those bolts.


      • Russ S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 1, 1982
        • 2158

        Re: 75 roadster rear cover hinges

        Ross, Why do you need to remove the hinge? I have had to install them for some one before and they are definitely very hard to get to.


        • Mark S.
          • February 1, 2002
          • 110

          Re: 75 roadster rear cover hinges

          Body bolt #4 uses a captured nut or caged nut as part of the lower spring mount iside the car, these are almost always rusted out thus just a pair of vise grips there. If it's the top 2 bolts attaching the fiberglass lid, those have a tapped rivot plate mount just like your hood hinge, seat mount etc. Here is the most recent C3 repair for me, this is one for the scrap pile.75 005.jpg


          • Ross F.
            Very Frequent User
            • September 1, 2004
            • 167

            Re: 75 roadster rear cover hinges

            Mark, I think you are showing me the bottom of the lid. I need to get to the bolts holding the hinge to the body.
            Russ, both of my #4 body mount reinforcement bracket and caged nuts are rotten. I need access to rivet in the New ones. I also need to do some glass work on the right #4 pocket as the nut pulled through the body when the reinforcement bracket failed.


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