Distributor Broadcast

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  • Michael M.
    Frequent User
    • November 1, 2004
    • 64

    Distributor Broadcast

    The judging guide states that a daub of colored paint is on the distributor housing, just below the cap, facing the passenger front wheel. I would like to know how far below the cap this is. A picture would be great!

  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: Distributor Broadcast

    You are expecting too much. I would bet there was a person with a brush, and a can of paint who just touched lightly the distributor. There were no specifications for size or location, I am sure. Just don't get the paint on the distributor cap and you will be fine.


    • Wayne M.
      • March 1, 1980
      • 6414

      Re: Distributor Broadcast

      Mike -- here's an example on a mid 1968 model (8B26 1111296) [the top distrib in pic; ignore bottom one which is a service unit].

      Just a dab of a brush, as Terry says; no attempt to make it circular. Even the GM engineering dwg. for 1111240 just says "white paint spot for identification" [per Colvin book].



      • Michael M.
        Frequent User
        • November 1, 2004
        • 64

        Re: Distributor Broadcast

        Thanks for your help, great pictures! I found nothing in the archives like the pictures you posted Wayne.


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