1963 fan blade ID help

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  • Craig O.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1983
    • 207

    1963 fan blade ID help

    63 fan blade 17 1/8" round head rivets, do I look for" W front " or just an "H" Letter on originals
  • Wayne M.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: 1963 fan blade ID help

    The '63 blade assy would be #3770529, which is same as used on no-C60 and no-L78 cars thru at least 1965 MY.

    Here's a couple of views of an original off a '64 or 5. I would not expect to see a "W" stamp, but then I'm not a '63 expert. You can see the "H" on the hub of the 2nd thumbnail.
    Attached Files


    • Peter L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 1, 1983
      • 1930

      Re: 1963 fan blade ID help

      I agree with Wayne on 2 points. One I would not expect to see a "W" stamp on the back of one of the reinforcement arms & two I'm not a '63 expert.

      Regarding the stamping, the 63-64 TIM&JG does not reference either the "W" or "H" stamping on the fan blade assemblies, but I have seen the "H" stamping on the 17-18" dia. fan blade assemblies with the round "mushroom" head rivets, but not the "W" stamping. The 63-64 TIM&JG states that the blades are attached with round button head rivets in 1963 and transitioning to flat head rivets during the 1964 model year. The "H" stamping is typically found on 66 & 67 small block 17-1/8" dia. fan blade assemblies that have the flat button head rivets & both the 66 & 67 TIM&JGs reference the stamping the "W" on one the reinforcement arms. The "H" stamped on the center of the front of the reinforcement of the original 66 & 67 small block 17-1/8" dia. fan blade assemblies & on other original 17-1/8" dia. fan blade assemblies is the manufacture's mark, i.e., Hays-Albion. Pete


      • Grant W.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 1, 1987
        • 405

        Re: 1963 fan blade ID help

        Hi Craig

        There is no W
        H and FRONT stamped that is it and of course the round rivets. Send me an email and I will send you pictures.



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