65 color of gauges white or green - NCRS Discussion Boards

65 color of gauges white or green

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  • Ralph A.
    • May 15, 2007
    • 117

    65 color of gauges white or green

    I'm going to restore my 65 gauge cluster but what color is right for the letters and numbers. I've seen some nos gauges that the letters and numbers were white, My gauges have white letters and numbers, what is correct white or green thanks Ralph
  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 31, 1976
    • 4547

    Re: 65 color of gauges white or green


    Green, but a very light shade of green is correct for all mid-year Corvettes. If they are white, they are old and have been exposed to the sun or another source to fade the light shade of green to white.



    • Ralph A.
      • May 15, 2007
      • 117

      Re: 65 color of gauges white or green

      thanks Joe do you know of anybody who can restore them to that light shade of green color thanks Ralph


      • Marco H.
        • February 28, 2002
        • 218

        Re: 65 color of gauges white or green

        Corvette Instrument Services in Palm Beach Gardens, FL does a great job. His name is Roger Scott. (561) 627 9345


        • Ralph A.
          • May 15, 2007
          • 117

          Re: 65 color of gauges white or green

          thanks Joe and Marco.


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