Steering Box The right numbers for the job? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Steering Box The right numbers for the job?

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  • Greg C.
    • April 30, 1995
    • 120

    Steering Box The right numbers for the job?

    Hey guys!
    I took out my steering box to have it rebuilt... but I don't want to send it off if its not the right box... so to speak.

    The numbers on the body are 5677649 and the top seems to have 3 sets of numbers....
    332 6723 79

    Am I in the right ballpark? Its a NOM driver... any help would be appreciated.



  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Steering Box The right numbers for the job?

    Originally posted by Greg Calder (26099)
    Hey guys!
    I took out my steering box to have it rebuilt... but I don't want to send it off if its not the right box... so to speak.

    The numbers on the body are 5677649 and the top seems to have 3 sets of numbers....
    332 6723 79

    Am I in the right ballpark? Its a NOM driver... any help would be appreciated.




    It's correct and probably original to the car. All of the cover bolts might not be original, though.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Greg C.
      • April 30, 1995
      • 120

      Re: Steering Box The right numbers for the job?

      Thanks for the heads up...

      Where does one get the correct bolts for a steering box?


      • Timothy B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 30, 1983
        • 5174

        Re: Steering Box The right numbers for the job?


        Here's a picture of the original on my 67, I believe the attaching bolts are grade 5 NAT bolts.
        Attached Files


        • Wayne M.
          • February 29, 1980
          • 6414

          Re: Steering Box The right numbers for the job?

          Here's off my late '65, with the "NAT" bolt headmarkings (bottom pic).



          • Mike E.
            Very Frequent User
            • June 24, 2012
            • 920

            Re: Steering Box The right numbers for the job?


            Gary Ramadei who is on the board has a great reputation rebuilding C2/C3 steering boxes. He might be able to come up with the correct bolts too.



            • Greg C.
              • April 30, 1995
              • 120

              Re: Steering Box The right numbers for the job?

              Ha! I am in contact with him... he is the one rebuilding my box! He says he doesn't have any bolts at the moment though....


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