Black paint 'fuzzy' edge on underhood sides- 1967 big block

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  • John S.
    • May 18, 2009
    • 164

    Black paint 'fuzzy' edge on underhood sides- 1967 big block

    How is the best way to obtain 'fuzzy' edge on hood sides for big block hood? Supposed to be black fuzzy edge where black meets body color on underside.
  • Chris E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 3, 2006
    • 1319

    Re: Black paint 'fuzzy' edge on underhood sides- 1967 big block

    John, what you are trying to avoid is a sharp paint line.

    I took a strip of 3M Scotch Blue painters tape and made a roll out of it (sticky side out), and put that in the valley. I then held the spray can a ways away from the surface and hit it pretty lightly until I was happy with the "fuzzy" aspect. The judges seemed to like the effort that I made as I do not receive a deduct for it anymore. Is it identical to what St. Louis did? No. Is it fairly close? Yes.

    The trick is to try and match the paint that was used for the blackout on the hood. If you can't quite match it, you'll need to mask off quite a bit so you don't have a two-tone overspray effect.
    Chris Enstrom
    North Central Chapter Judging Chairman
    1967 Rally Red convertible, 327/350, 4 speed, Duntov @ Hampton in 2013, Founders @ KC in 2014, family owned since 1973
    2011 Z06, red/red


    • John S.
      • May 18, 2009
      • 164

      Re: Black paint 'fuzzy' edge on underhood sides- 1967 big block

      Chris,How big a diameter did you make the roll? And not exactly sure where you placed it to get the effect. If in the valley would it not block the spray? Maybe I have missed the process. If roll out a bit from the black side of hood valley? Then spray into the area left open? Thanks John


      • Chris E.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • November 3, 2006
        • 1319

        Re: Black paint 'fuzzy' edge on underhood sides- 1967 big block

        The roll was probably an inch in diameter.

        And my description earlier of "in the valley" was intended to be more general than specific, sorry.

        It would be placed on that little shelf that heads toward the edge of the hood such that the paint from the spray can would land in the 90 degree bend as the body color transitions to the blackout area of the interior hood skin.

        You're trying to replicate a cardboard cutout being held some short distance away from the hood at the factory. The round tape roll would still be fairly straight, but the paint edge would not be in contact with the surface, but rather 1/2" away. That is what creates the fuzziness.

        Does that make any sense?
        Chris Enstrom
        North Central Chapter Judging Chairman
        1967 Rally Red convertible, 327/350, 4 speed, Duntov @ Hampton in 2013, Founders @ KC in 2014, family owned since 1973
        2011 Z06, red/red


        • Chris E.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • November 3, 2006
          • 1319

          Re: Black paint 'fuzzy' edge on underhood sides- 1967 big block

          Ok, so forgive my REALLY crude artwork here, but this is what I'm talking about.

          Chris Enstrom
          North Central Chapter Judging Chairman
          1967 Rally Red convertible, 327/350, 4 speed, Duntov @ Hampton in 2013, Founders @ KC in 2014, family owned since 1973
          2011 Z06, red/red


          • John S.
            • May 18, 2009
            • 164

            Re: Black paint 'fuzzy' edge on underhood sides- 1967 big block

            Chris,Thanks, will try that out, should be good. Appreciate your help.John


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