Bill Talberts: where is he now - 1957 Corvette F/G drag car Edgewater Drag Strip - NCRS Discussion Boards

Bill Talberts: where is he now - 1957 Corvette F/G drag car Edgewater Drag Strip

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  • William K.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1977
    • 147

    Bill Talberts: where is he now - 1957 Corvette F/G drag car Edgewater Drag Strip

    Who knows where Bill Talbert who drag raced the 1957 Corvette F/G red corvette hartop called "Vanishing Breed" lives now (i.e. address and phone number) . Car was raced at Edgewater Sports Park drag strip Cincinnati Ohio Trying to determine if the car is the same car as 1957 corvette serial # 1335 that was imported in to Ontario Canada in 1978 by a George Pascoe The car was sponsored by "The Body Co." and ran with yellow number 3389 on the passenger window The car can be seen when it was raced in the 1960's at the following locationIMPORTANT: Full pictutre of your car going through inspection at Edgewater Spots Park drag strip Cincinnati OHIO GO to the following web site \ It is picture #213 which is the third picture from the start on page 11 of the pictures. I believe the same car earlier in its career is pictured atTHERE IS ALSO A BLACK AND WHITE PICTURE OF THE CAR BEFORE IT WAS NAMED AND SPONSORED ETC AS A DRAG CAR The picture is a still picture located at the 3.23 min mark into the U=Tube showing at the location Old Corvette Drag Cars - CachedOld Corvette Drag Cars duntov097 ... 1:14 Nash Drag Race car burnout by tedb43o2o3 103,864 views; 6:46 1959 Corvette test drive by buyavettedotnet 31,894 ...Thank you Bill Keogh NCRS Member #1610E mail: wllmkeogh@yahoo.comTel:905-8712341
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