66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help - NCRS Discussion Boards

66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

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  • R N.
    • May 31, 2002
    • 640

    66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

    Hello everyone,

    Awhile back there was a post detailing the differences between original 4-sp shifter plates and reproduction pieces. I've searched the archives and not been able to find the post - if someone has the link saved, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could post the link for me. Thanks in advance.
  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11249

    Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help


    I tried a Advanced Search for you.......This is what I used....

    ( 196* OR C2 ) AND ( shift* AND ( plate OR console ) ) I selected "Titles Only" in the search query.

    I found this one.....

    And this one may be what you're looking for...

    Below are pics of a repro(bagged) from a supplier 2 years ago, and to it's right (I believe) a original in a '67. Font is clearly thicker on the original.


    P3180008.jpg P3180009.jpg P3180006.jpg P3180007.jpg
    Last edited by Richard M.; November 3, 2013, 01:32 AM. Reason: corrected search query string, added pic


    • R N.
      • May 31, 2002
      • 640

      Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

      Richard, your the best and thanks for the lesson on doing an advance search.


      • Richard M.
        Super Moderator
        • August 31, 1988
        • 11249

        Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

        Kurt, Glad it helped. When I restored that console a few years ago I was quite disappointed with the reproduction shift plate. Happily the original was still usable and I put the repro on the shelf, probably never to see the roof of a Corvette ever again.

        The search stuff can certainly be a bit confusing. I did some experiments when the new forum vBulletin software version came out last year as it has Boolean search functionality. Very helpful to find stuff but the software maker had no helpful examples of it's use. There's a writeup in the Help section I put together. Kindof took me back to my past career in the micro-electronics industry using C++ s/w programming, PERL scripting, software simulators and such. However, I'd rather be restoring Corvettes.

        Note that the parentheses are a big help when doing searches, and it's sensitive about using spaces between the parens and the search string characters. Spaces are important and without them the Boolean search function must get confused and typically yields no results.


        P3280026.jpg P3280028.jpg


        • Patrick B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 31, 1985
          • 1982

          Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

          Is there a good way to remove a good original shift plate to use it on a new console?


          • Joe R.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 31, 1976
            • 4547

            Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help


            Keep it soaked in lacquer thinner for a few hours and that will soften the glue on the back side. You'll have to keep adding thinner as it will evaporate rather quickly.
            Use a Scotch Brite pad on the aluminum and repaint the letters and pattern with Krylon Black Enamel.
            Like new and like original.



            • Richard M.
              Super Moderator
              • August 31, 1988
              • 11249

              Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

              Originally posted by Joe Ray (1011)

              Keep it soaked in lacquer thinner for a few hours and that will soften the glue on the back side. You'll have to keep adding thinner as it will evaporate rather quickly.
              Use a Scotch Brite pad on the aluminum and repaint the letters and pattern with Krylon Black Enamel.
              Like new and like original.

              Joe, Won't that mean that the painted console will need refinishing too? You'd have to soak the whole thing right?

              I'm thinking a heat gun on the backside of the console to loosen the glue might work.



              • Patrick B.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • August 31, 1985
                • 1982

                Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

                Thanks Joe and Richard. I bought a console restoration kit last year that came from LIC via another reseller and was really disappointed with the shift plate. It seems that no one makes a decent repro.


                • Bill H.
                  • August 8, 2011
                  • 439

                  Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

                  Originally posted by Richard Mozzetta (13499)
                  Kurt, Glad it helped. When I restored that console a few years ago I was quite disappointed with the reproduction shift plate. Happily the original was still usable and I put the repro on the shelf, probably never to see the roof of a Corvette ever again.


                  [ATTACH=CONFIG]48863[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]48864[/ATTACH]
                  Nice, Richard. Did you replace the aluminum around the shifter and the ashtray door ? I need to do mine, same color,BTW.


                  • Richard M.
                    Super Moderator
                    • August 31, 1988
                    • 11249

                    Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

                    Originally posted by Bill Hetzel (53669)
                    Nice, Richard. Did you replace the aluminum around the shifter and the ashtray door ? I need to do mine, same color,BTW.
                    Hi Bill,

                    Yes the kit included the plate around the shifter and the ashtray door. Those were nice pieces. Below you can see the crumpled up old plate and old door. I just cleaned the console with solvent for good adhesion and it was a breeze. You have ONE shot at the plate though so aim good.

                    P3180003.jpg P3180001.jpg

                    This one was Dark Teal Blue under Elkhart Blue with the Lyndale Blue stinger..... made a nice combo.

                    P4030013.jpg P4030042.jpg



                    • Bill H.
                      • August 8, 2011
                      • 439

                      Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

                      Thanks Richard, who's kit is that? On the links you posted, Scott mentioned that the LIC door wasn't quite right. That is a pretty car, mine's Teal/Lyndale.


                      • Richard M.
                        Super Moderator
                        • August 31, 1988
                        • 11249

                        Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

                        I get all my bits from Zip Corvette........ST-207

                        I discussed the font on the plate with them then but that's all they could get from their supplier then, which also likely supplies most vendors. You may want to give them a call to see if it's still the older repro plate. The one below does in fact look a little bigger/darker. Try JT Stafford at x247 and tell him I sent you.



                        • Bill H.
                          • August 8, 2011
                          • 439

                          Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

                          Thanks again, Richard, my restomod builder buddy gets dealer pricing from Zip and I order most of my parts thru them.


                          • Alan D.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • December 31, 2004
                            • 2020

                            Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

                            Here is an example of those. Note, nobody seems to make a correct repo including GM's NOS
                            Attached Files


                            • Steve B.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • February 28, 2002
                              • 1188

                              Re: 66/67 4-speed console shifter plate help

                              I think the paragon one looks much better than the NOS one.


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