NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance? - NCRS Discussion Boards

NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

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  • Larry E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1989
    • 1635

    NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

    Thinking of bringing one of my cars to a future Regional NCRS meet. Are all meets standard as far as the certain days go?
    eg: Judging is all done on Saturdays? Must bring car by a certain day. (Thursday or Friday??) Or is each meet have its own
    independance as far as the schedule of events? Really don't want to make a whole week of it. Comments Please-Larry

    LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134
  • Dick W.
    Former NCRS Director Region IV
    • June 30, 1985
    • 10483

    Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

    Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
    Thinking of bringing one of my cars to a future Regional NCRS meet. Are all meets standard as far as the certain days go?
    eg: Judging is all done on Saturdays? Must bring car by a certain day. (Thursday or Friday??) Or is each meet have its own
    independance as far as the schedule of events? Really don't want to make a whole week of it. Comments Please-Larry
    Typically you will be required to have your car on the field Thursday, judging Friday and Saturday with cars being released after the conclusion of judging on Saturday. Pretty much been that way for twenty or so years.

    You have the option of attending the awards banquet to receive your award, or pay a fee to have it mailed to you.
    Dick Whittington


    • Willard M.
      Very Frequent User
      • August 31, 1979
      • 422

      Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

      Another option is a chapter meet. These are often one day affairs and I always found them much less stressful.


      • Larry E.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • November 30, 1989
        • 1635

        Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

        Originally posted by Willard Millis (2659)
        Another option is a chapter meet. These are often one day affairs and I always found them much less stressful.
        Willard: Nice suggestion but "been there; don that" several times. Very much would like to go to a regional but being there on Thursday and being
        judged on Friday and have to stay till Sat. may be a distraction for me. Larry P.S. Why would one have to stay for 3 days for a regional is my question?
        I can see that for a National Meet but---- IMHO

        LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


        • Don H.
          • June 16, 2009
          • 2217

          Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

          see sentence 1 in post 2 above. Car on field on Thursday. Released at conclusion of judging on Saturday. Most Regionals are indoors requiring OPS judging before moving indoors for remainder of judging. 40-50 cars judged takes two full days indoors.

          ps. for below
          How much of a week the Regional takes you depends on where you live. At the TX Regional just past, many owners lived within 2-3 hours or less driving time to the meet. The OPS judging began at noon, but some owners pulled in with their trailers or drove in after 3 pm. Hour for cool down, OPS judging and then into the ballroom by 5 pm. The meet broke down by around 3pm on Sat and some owners were loaded in their trailers or driving from the meet by around 5ish, or even earlier if not staying for the banquet. Look at pg. 119 of current Driveline to see all the activities and car divisions spread out over 3 full days. Most all Regionals are the same.
          Last edited by Don H.; October 22, 2013, 06:20 PM.


          • Larry E.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • November 30, 1989
            • 1635

            Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

            Originally posted by Don Hooper (50543)
            see sentence 1 in post 2 above. Car on field on Thursday. Released at conclusion of judging on Saturday. Most Regionals are indoors requiring OPS judging before moving indoors for remainder of judging. 40-50 cars judged takes two full days indoors.
            Don: Ok see it now; thought it would take only one day to judge but have different days for different cars. Will see what happens. Taking everything in consideration it will take a week then when we count: Preperation of car/trailer/towing vehicle/packing/travel time/judging--it all adds up. Thanks-Larry

            LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


            • Steven B.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • June 30, 1982
              • 3949

              Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

              Larry, give special attention to the Ops preparation. Gremlins creep in and things that worked up to the Ops Judging just do not when judged. I know of a couple of cars that had this happen last week. It happens at all meets. Two cars that were very well prepared and checked minutes before judging had things go wrong. The problems/causes were found after judging and before the regional ended. Double check bulbs, electrical connections, wipers and washers, choke operation, --- everything on the sheets and in the owner's manual. This is the section of judging that bites you and results in surprises. Good Luck! Steve


              • Mike F.
                • April 25, 2011
                • 668

                Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

                Sorry for side tracking this thread, but had a question regarding judging rules. If I drive to a regional event and an item on my car fails during the Ops Judging process(horn for example), am I eliminated from Flight Judging or still included?

                Where can I read the rules that cover these judging type of questions?



                • Stuart F.
                  • August 31, 1996
                  • 4676

                  Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

                  Who wouldn't want to spend some time in Central Florida in January, specially with all the other attractions including a Mecum auction.

                  Stu Fox


                  • Don H.
                    • June 16, 2009
                    • 2217

                    Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

                    Originally posted by Mike Furline (53259)
                    Sorry for side tracking this thread, but had a question regarding judging rules. If I drive to a regional event and an item on my car fails during the Ops Judging process(horn for example), am I eliminated from Flight Judging or still included?

                    Where can I read the rules that cover these judging type of questions?

                    most judging questions are answered in the 8th ed. of the Corvette Judging Reference Manual you can buy from the on line store. But I don't think this one is. The answer is no, an OPS failure does not mean you are out of flight judging. OPS is simply one of five aspects that are judged and failures in OPS bring deducts to line scores like all the other judging aspects do. People emphasize OPS success because the lines on the OPS judge sheets generally carry more points than most lines on the other judging sheets. So it is good to not have any failures if one hopes to reach top flight level. On the other hand, the performance verification test that is an enhanced OPS judging and is part of the effort to achieve a mark of excellence award (different from flight judging) IS an all or nothing test. One failure (that cannot be repaired in the allowed 15 minute time period for one failure) negates the entire test.


                    • Reba W.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • June 30, 1985
                      • 929

                      Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

                      I don't think any car would fail the entire two-page operations test. (I know we should never say "never," but after all the car was started and driven into place.) Individual items are judged line by line, and a percentage score is recorded. The sample score sheets for every year judged are available at


                      • Michael W.
                        • March 31, 1997
                        • 4290

                        Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

                        Originally posted by Mike Furline (53259)
                        Sorry for side tracking this thread, but had a question regarding judging rules. If I drive to a regional event and an item on my car fails during the Ops Judging process(horn for example), am I eliminated from Flight Judging or still included?
                        The only thing that will cause judging to stop would be a bogus VIN or trim tag.


                        • Mark D.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • June 30, 1988
                          • 2138

                          Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

                          Originally posted by Michael Ward (29001)
                          The only thing that will cause judging to stop would be a bogus VIN or trim tag.
                          Or if someone yelled, 'free beer!"


                          • Steven B.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • June 30, 1982
                            • 3949

                            Re: NCRS Regional Meets; standard required days in attendance?

                            Originally posted by Mark Donnally (13264)
                            Or if someone yelled, 'free beer!"
                            That 'splains why we had to rush through Ops and get back to Embassy for pretzels and libations.


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