Always in a Haze......

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  • Vince C.
    Frequent User
    • January 1, 2000
    • 33

    Always in a Haze......

    When I drive my 427/435, a white/gray haze builds up only on the rear bumpers and only occurs when the car is driven (never when stationary idling in the garage). This simply wipes off with a damp towel. However, what would be the cause? The car does not smoke and runs fantastic. Car is on a strict diet of Sunoco 260. Could it be the race gas or perhaps running a bit too lean? Anyone else experience this???

  • Larry M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 1, 1992
    • 2683

    Re: Always in a Haze......

    Originally posted by Vince Costa (33415)
    When I drive my 427/435, a white/gray haze builds up only on the rear bumpers and only occurs when the car is driven (never when stationary idling in the garage). This simply wipes off with a damp towel. However, what would be the cause? The car does not smoke and runs fantastic. Car is on a strict diet of Sunoco 260. Could it be the race gas or perhaps running a bit too lean? Anyone else experience this???

    I didn't know that Sunoco 260 was still available at the pump?? If you are running Sunoco Leaded Racing Gas (Sunoco Standard or Sunoco Supreme or equivalent) than the haze is likely from the lead products and its scavengers (EDC and EDB). These are corrosive and should be wiped off occasionally. These products were the reason that carbon steel exhaust system life in 1960's was about 3 years.



    • Vince C.
      Frequent User
      • January 1, 2000
      • 33

      Re: Always in a Haze......

      Hi Larry!

      Thanks very much for the response and advise!! You are correct, it's Sunoco Standard. I can buy it locally but it is for off-road use only. I can live with the residue and always wipe the car down after every use. In my situation, I believe the benefits of using a good quality race gas outweigh the potential negatives....

      Best Regards,


      • Stuart F.
        • September 1, 1996
        • 4676

        Re: Always in a Haze......

        Lucky you. Many of us old guys would love to be able to wipe lead haze off our rear bumpers again from pump gas. I have to use Max Lead 2000 in non-ethanol 90 octane to attain it. I know when I've got the right ratio when I show a little haze. Do wipe it off though as it is corrosive as evident from the checked chrome on many original rear bumpers. I had to have mine re-chromed back in 1976.

        There are a lot of tree huggers around that will take issue with what you're doing, but pay no attention to them. They'll tell you the lead in the air makes dumb kids, like they are so much smarter now with unleaded gas, Ha! Just like the farmers who want you to burn their corn rather than eat it. Guess they get more money that way.

        Stu Fox


        • Vince C.
          Frequent User
          • January 1, 2000
          • 33

          Re: Always in a Haze......

          Thanks Stu!!! There is nothing like the smell of leaded race gas burned in an internal combustion engine!! Perhaps that explains why I have increasingly more "senior" moments...


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