Build date vs Final assembly date - NCRS Discussion Boards

Build date vs Final assembly date

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  • Georges C.
    Frequent User
    • June 17, 2013
    • 72

    Build date vs Final assembly date

    It seems the more I look and read, I've accumulated about 20 books since starting this restoration in July, the more confused I get. There is a inquiry on the NCRS St. Louis Chapter site for Corvette Vin and Tag decoding. When I input my 194676S112419 VIN it says Body build Jan 21, Final assembly Jan 31, 1966.
    Am I correct in assuming (hate that assume bit) that because it is a n AO Smith body, that it was built by Smith in Michigan then shipped to St. Louis, hence the 10 day lag? I see from my Protect-O-Plate that the 427 engine was built on Jan 10, rear axle on Jan 21. Based on all the shippping necessary to assemble parts from Michigan and New York does this all appear appropriate. Just to confirm, I went to high school with both previous owners and have owned the car since Oct 14, 1976. It was not until now that I am taking the car back to original interior and correct numbers engine that I have actually looked at the POP.
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

    Originally posted by georges cottave (58560)
    It seems the more I look and read, I've accumulated about 20 books since starting this restoration in July, the more confused I get. There is a inquiry on the NCRS St. Louis Chapter site for Corvette Vin and Tag decoding. When I input my 194676S112419 VIN it says Body build Jan 21, Final assembly Jan 31, 1966.
    Am I correct in assuming (hate that assume bit) that because it is a n AO Smith body, that it was built by Smith in Michigan then shipped to St. Louis, hence the 10 day lag? I see from my Protect-O-Plate that the 427 engine was built on Jan 10, rear axle on Jan 21. Based on all the shippping necessary to assemble parts from Michigan and New York does this all appear appropriate. Just to confirm, I went to high school with both previous owners and have owned the car since Oct 14, 1976. It was not until now that I am taking the car back to original interior and correct numbers engine that I have actually looked at the POP.
    Georges -

    Yes, that's a very typical timeline for an A.O. Smith-bodied Corvette; 7-10 days between A.O. Smith and St. Louis was quite common.

    The link below will take you to an article that explains the A.O. Smith body production process:


    • Stephen L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • May 31, 1984
      • 3146

      Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

      John Hinckley, great article that you wrote about the A.O. Smith body building. Enjoyed it.


      • Richard M.
        Super Moderator
        • August 31, 1988
        • 11249

        Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

        John, Wow I can't believe I've never seen that one. What a great article! Thanks for sharing it.

        I'm a bit confused about Georges' car. He has the POP, it's a AO Smith body, but it's a 427? Is it possible that his is one of the "very few" AOS BB cars built after initial production there? Is it possible that AOS painted the entire car including the hood, then ST Louis did the masking for the stinger contrasting color? I'd imagine the only way AOS would have the stinger hood is if St Loius shipped it to them, as AOS didn't have fixturing for the stinger hood, correct?

        One other question about the front cover of the mag.......What was Mr Big.......a big brake big tank fuelie? I think I see FI emblems on the right fender. The ladies(owners?) didn't look too happy.



        • Mike M.
          NCRS Past President
          • May 31, 1974
          • 8344

          Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

          rich: george's vin # indicates it being a 66 vet(no stinger).mike


          • Richard M.
            Super Moderator
            • August 31, 1988
            • 11249

            Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

            Ah....need more coffee this early. Thanks Mike.


            • James B.
              • November 30, 1992
              • 281

              Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

              John, great article & I appreciate seeing it. A question, however, one picture/description talks about larger head rivets used at the front upper corner of the door inner panel. Is this area visible with the door panel on? The picture is a close up and I can't visualize where the location is. Do you have a picture showing a wider perspective.
              I have a late A O Smith 64. One previous owner said it had one 63 door on the drivers side (too late for the period when some 63 door still being used); another owner said no, both doors always 64??
              it would just be fun to check my door to see if A O Smith. Jim B


              • Joe R.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • May 31, 2006
                • 1822

                Re: Build date vs Final assembly date


                There are lots of great articles in the tech area of that site. It's here:



                • Michael J.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • January 26, 2009
                  • 7045

                  Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

                  Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
                  Georges -

                  The link below will take you to an article that explains the A.O. Smith body production process:

                  That is a neat article, but very interesting how they totally leave out AO Smith's Ionia factory's role in the Shelby Mustangs from the MY '68 to '70. They were very busy during those years too.

                  Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


                  • John H.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • November 30, 1997
                    • 16513

                    Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

                    Originally posted by Richard Mozzetta (13499)
                    One other question about the front cover of the mag.......What was Mr Big.......a big brake big tank fuelie? I think I see FI emblems on the right fender. The ladies(owners?) didn't look too happy.

                    Rich -

                    "Mr. Big" was a big-brake '58 fuelie restored at Paragon (their own car, not a customer car); the ladies are Steve and Dave's wives, and they aren't happy because the harmonic balancer just exited under the car as it was fired to drive up the ramp, and the car had to be pushed across the block, which didn't help the bidding any. Paragon now uses balancer bolts on everything, whether they were there originally or not.


                    • Richard M.
                      Super Moderator
                      • August 31, 1988
                      • 11249

                      Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

                      Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
                      Rich -

                      "Mr. Big" was a big-brake '58 fuelie restored at Paragon (their own car, not a customer car); the ladies are Steve and Dave's wives, and they aren't happy because the harmonic balancer just exited under the car as it was fired to drive up the ramp, and the car had to be pushed across the block, which didn't help the bidding any. Paragon now uses balancer bolts on everything, whether they were there originally or not.
                      Hmmm, it's all clear now. Bummer it happened on the block.

                      It happened to me back in '87 on my '59 270hp. Doing about 60 on the highway though. I heard a big bang and then saw this orange and black round thing in my rear view mirror and then passed me in the left lane. Found it in the median in the tall grass about a 1/2 hour later. Flatbed got me home. Later had the crank drilled and tapped for the bolt during a engine rebuild.


                      • Georges C.
                        Frequent User
                        • June 17, 2013
                        • 72

                        Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

                        1966 had bubble hood - no contrasting pain.


                        • Georges C.
                          Frequent User
                          • June 17, 2013
                          • 72

                          Re: Build date vs Final assembly date

                          Thanks for the info. It was an interesting read.


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