1960 Aluminum Radiator Cap ID ?

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  • Robert B.
    Frequent User
    • December 1, 1999
    • 56

    1960 Aluminum Radiator Cap ID ?

    I went shopping at Carlisle looking for correct radiator cap for my late July 1960 270 hp aluminum tank-top radiator. Confused as to which is actually correct, I was fortunate enough to find and buy two nice examples (see below, both are original, one is a "306" and one is a "362." I believe the 362 is NOS, the box is not for the cap.) The current 1958-1960 Judging Manual lists a "13-pound aluminum drop-valve AC cap #861362 containing "362" and "13# identification" (on page 44) as does the AIM (page L227). In the "Corvette Restoration Handbook" it calls out an AC 306 with 13# identification (page 175) for this application. My GM parts book (revised August 1, 1960) on page 209 lists an AC type RC-20 for this application, part number 861422 (no identifying markings or photos are listed). An AC Manual references the "306" for my late July 1960 car. I spent a lot of time talking at Carlisle and, although I'm happy with the deals, I spent some not insignificant money. Any help out there as to which is correct? Now that I have one of each, if I want the points just go with the Judging Manual?
    1960 Aluminum Radiator Cap .jpg1960 aluminum radiator cap for 270 hp (2).jpg
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