61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination - NCRS Discussion Boards

61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination

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  • Rob V.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 31, 2002
    • 251

    61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination


    My 61/62 hardtop that I recently acquired is at a body shop where it is being stripped of all paint, and will be repainted. The shop called and informed me that they had begun removing/stripping the paint from the top, and had noted that there were areas of delamination in the fiberglass--some the size of a quarter; others the size of a soda can top. I was told that they had cut one area of delamination; and they suggested that all bad areas be cut out, and filled with body filler. I asked if they could repair the delaminated spots with resin and fiberglass. The short answer was no; but they could fill those areas with a composite material; cover with body filler; feather the topcoat body filler; prime; and paint. Regrettably, the top was not in very good condition when I purchased it, and appears to have been painted more than once; with the top coat most likely being old lacquer.

    Questions: 1). What would cause the fiberglass to delaminate??? and, 2). What is composite material that would be used to fill the defective areas???
    (Obviously, I know nothing about fiberglass repair--and I just am trying to gain some insight/understanding of the issues).

    Thank you in advance for your responses to my questions!

    Best Regards,

    SPEAK YOUR MIND, but ride a fast horse. -- Anonymous
  • Philip P.
    • February 27, 2011
    • 558

    Re: 61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination

    Can you get a picture of what they are calling delamination? The one thing I could think of is that the top may have been repaired and the new and old glass is coming apart. Not sure of what composite they would be using but it sounds like they are removing a layer of glass and filling it in this may not be as sound as doing it with fiberglas and resin. There are some fillers with glass in the mix for reinforcment. Just a guess.


    • Rob V.
      Very Frequent User
      • July 31, 2002
      • 251

      Re: 61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination

      Thank you Phil! It never even occurred to me that the top might have been damaged and previously repaired. As far as pictures, that is an excellent thought; however, the body shop is approximately 70 miles from where I live. I wish I had thought to ask for some pictures when I discussed the repairs with the shop! Finally, your explanation of composite material also makes sense. Thanks again for taking the time to respond, and helping me understand the situation.
      Best Regards,

      SPEAK YOUR MIND, but ride a fast horse. -- Anonymous


      • Chester C.
        • May 29, 2013
        • 154

        Re: 61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination

        Elckers makes an excellent product just for this problem. It's a spray resin. It sprays out black and then you sand to remove sheen. Than you can put filler right over it. I've use the stuff for years. It's very good for hiding seams that bleed thru the paint.


        • Rob V.
          Very Frequent User
          • July 31, 2002
          • 251

          Re: 61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination

          Excellent scoop Chester! Thank you very much! I will contact the body shop and pass this information along. Sounds exactly what I need!

          Thanks again.

          SPEAK YOUR MIND, but ride a fast horse. -- Anonymous


          • Philip P.
            • February 27, 2011
            • 558

            Re: 61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination

            Rob, If they are removing glass resin in not going to give you any strength, I would make sure you do not end up with a hole filled with filler or resin. Hopefully the shop knows what they are doing. I am not sure what the spray resin that is mentioned is, but it sounds like gel coat and that is just a surface coating.
            My 2 cents


            • Rob V.
              Very Frequent User
              • July 31, 2002
              • 251

              Re: 61/62 Hardtop Fiberglass Delamination

              Hi Phil--

              Once again, you make excellent sense! I will call the shop and attempt to get a better understanding of their repair intentions/process. Their paint work is excellent on both metal and fiberglass; and they have gained my confidence in that regard. I just am not knowledgeable with regard to body work, and specifically fiberglass repair. Once again, thank you for taking the time to educate me, and address my concerns. Your responses are truly appreciated!


              SPEAK YOUR MIND, but ride a fast horse. -- Anonymous


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