'68' wipermotor no work

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  • Jeff P.
    • October 22, 2011
    • 287

    '68' wipermotor no work

    Hi All,
    Well turned on the wipers today and the door opened but no wiper motion. Checked the fuse and that checked good. Tried the override switch and the light on the console lite up but no motion. Pulled the wire connector off the wipermotor and checked for 12 volts and yes i have 12 volts at the plug. I'm thinking maybe the internal Relay switch took a crap. Anybody have a tip on checking this wipermotor unit on the car a different troubleshooting method maybe. I would think if the switch on the dash was bad the door wouldn't open, and also the override switch would motion the wipers. Thanks in advance.
  • Jim T.
    • March 1, 1993
    • 5351

    Re: '68' wipermotor no work

    Jeff is the override switch you mention, is this the vacuum operated pull down switch below the steering column for raising and lowering the wiper door without touching the actual electrical wiper switch above the gauge panel? The light on the console lite up, were is this light located in the console?


    • Jeff P.
      • October 22, 2011
      • 287

      Re: '68' wipermotor no work

      Jim the override switch is between the wiper pull down vacuum knob and the headlight pull down vacuum knob. You turn the switch when the wiper door is open so you can change your wiper blades. The light is on the right side of the dash console just below the door ajar light. Might be different on early 68's.


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • October 1, 1980
        • 15541

        Re: '68' wipermotor no work

        Originally posted by Jeff Piekutowski (53984)
        Jim the override switch is between the wiper pull down vacuum knob and the headlight pull down vacuum knob. You turn the switch when the wiper door is open so you can change your wiper blades. The light is on the right side of the dash console just below the door ajar light. Might be different on early 68's.
        Jeff the wiper override switch will stop the wipers mid stroke. If it is turned off the wiper will not work. That switch IIRC removes the ground from the wiper motor.

        The switch that is on the passenger side of the "firewall" that the wiper door acetates supplies the 12 volts to the wiper motor when the wiper door is fully up. Check that switch for 12 volts on both sides when the wiper door is up. It might be the switch actuator adjustment or the switch may have gone bad.

        Be sure the wiper actuating knob housing is grounded. If the IP cracks where it is designed to in a crash the wiper switch can lose its ground and all sorts of weird stuff happens. If the switch passes it is time to pull out the FSM for instruction to remove the wiper motor.


        • Jeffrey S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 1, 1988
          • 1856

          Re: '68' wipermotor no work

          If the main wiper motor ground is like the '69, it is located at the starter motor. Check to be sure this wire has not broken or is loose. Happened on my car.


          • Jeff P.
            • October 22, 2011
            • 287

            Re: '68' wipermotor no work

            Thanks Terry and Jeff for the Troubleshooting Suggestions that need to be checked before buying a new wipermotor assembly.


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