63 standard backing plates and drums? - NCRS Discussion Boards

63 standard backing plates and drums?

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  • James H.
    Infrequent User
    • October 31, 1998
    • 12

    63 standard backing plates and drums?

    Working off JG #3 have not gotten the new JG yet. Does anyone know if the new JG is calling for the backing plates and drums should still be painted semi-gloss black? Thanks James
  • Carmen R.
    Frequent User
    • December 27, 2011
    • 78

    Re: 63 standard backing plates and drums?

    OK it took me a while to find it. According to the 6th edition of the JG, under rear suspension, page 150 states " All 1963 and 1964 models have rear drum brakes with the standard backing plate and drum painted semi-gloss black. There are no anti-roll springs installed around the circumference of the rear brake drums as there is on the front drums. 1963 Z06 and 1964 J56 optioned cars have finned brake drums with vented backing plates and fans. The J56 and J65(sintered metallic brakes) optioned cars use a drum with a special internal finish."

    I couldn't find any thing on the front brakes under "front suspension". I'm guessing it's the same as rear.

    If you need more information, please give me a rough idea under what heading to look, and I'll see if I can find it.

    Good luck with your restoration.
    63 Coupe


    • Harry S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 2002
      • 5204

      Re: 63 standard backing plates and drums?

      Originally posted by James Hunt (31343)
      Working off JG #3 have not gotten the new JG yet. Does anyone know if the new JG is calling for the backing plates and drums should still be painted semi-gloss black? Thanks James
      JG 3 vs JG 6 is a long way apart. I strongly suggest you obtain the new JG.


      • John D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • November 30, 1979
        • 5507

        Re: 63 standard backing plates and drums?

        When I bought my 63 in 1979 it had been sitting since 1970. Only 30K on the car. Chassis did't look like it had ever been touched. All 4 brake drums had the anti roll or whatever they are called springs. But when the car was being restored in 2006 or so we left the rear ones off. The car has metallic brakes. No one else ever said their 63 had the springs all the way around.
        One might wonder why someone would install them on the rear drums in the old days when the car was less than 7 yrs old.
        Recently Mike Hanson said the inside of the backing plates were bare. JD


        • James H.
          Infrequent User
          • October 31, 1998
          • 12

          Re: 63 standard backing plates and drums?

          I ordered the JG and it it on its way. thanks James


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