1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application - NCRS Discussion Boards

1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

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  • James W.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1990
    • 2620

    1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

    Does anyonee have a contact that has experience in restoring '65 396 air cleaner lids and appling the correct silk screening on the underside?

    Thanks in advance.

    James West
  • Steve B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 28, 2002
    • 1188

    Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

    James, Richard Fortier does great work with silk screening, I highly recommend him.


    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 15, 2008
      • 6940

      Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

      Jim, Doesn't the 396 lid just have a black finish? If so I would just try to preserve the silk screening and underside and just repaint the top or powder coat the top.
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


      • Carl N.
        • April 30, 1984
        • 592

        Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

        Ed & Jim yes the L78 396 lid is black on top - if the silk screening is legible I agree with Ed clean bottom with dish detergent and paint top only - IMO you will receive very minor (if any deduction) for original vs obvious re-screen


        • Bill W.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 29, 1980
          • 2000

          Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

          What type of finish is under the black on an original 396 lid ? Was the underside just over sprayed or completely covered with paint ? If just oversprayed was there plating or primer under the black ?


          • Jack H.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 31, 1990
            • 9906

            Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

            I have to agree here! My L78 was 'ratty' on the top side of the A/C lid. But the bottom side had the original silk screen with quite a patina to the paint + modest evidence of overspray. When I campaigned the car for Duntov (man we're going WAY back now), I let the painter lay down fresh paint on the topside and do NOTHING to the underside of the lid.

            Along the way to Duntov, Bloomington Gold & Triple Crown, I encountered more than one judge who THANKED me for not trying to restore the bottom side of the lid! Plus, there were maybe ten judges who told me point blank that because I'd left the part aged and original on the bottom side, their judgment was influenced in my favor by the tears of joy that clouded their eyes...

            Bottom line, there are times when it's best to leave an original piece original, man up, and take the condition hit (often only a fraction of a judging point that winds up being simply a comment on the score sheet).


            • James W.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • November 30, 1990
              • 2620

              Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

              I do not have the orginal lid (long story there) so I am trying to duplicate an orginal lid with a correct big block air cleaner lid that I have recently had de-chromed. Thanks for the info regarding a contact for the silk screaning, I'll call Richard Fortier this weekend to get an idea how long it will take him to complete the work.

              I do need to verify that an original 396 air cleaner lid does not have any type of plating applied to it. Can someone verify this as a fact for me? I have pictures of original lids that show a definite patten on the bottom where the lid was placed on what looks to be a piece of wood when it was painted and shows a paint pattern that does not completely cover the bottom side of the lid with black paint. Can someone send me more pictures to verify this? I'm trying to get it as accurate as possible.

              Thanks agin for all the repliers and info.


              James West
              Omaha, NE.

              Originally posted by Jack Humphrey (17100)
              I have to agree here! My L78 was 'ratty' on the top side of the A/C lid. But the bottom side had the original silk screen with quite a patina to the paint + modest evidence of overspray. When I campaigned the car for Duntov (man we're going WAY back now), I let the painter lay down fresh paint on the topside and do NOTHING to the underside of the lid.

              Along the way to Duntov, Bloomington Gold & Triple Crown, I encountered more than one judge who THANKED me for not trying to restore the bottom side of the lid! Plus, there were maybe ten judges who told me point blank that because I'd left the part aged and original on the bottom side, their judgment was influenced in my favor by the tears of joy that clouded their eyes...

              Bottom line, there are times when it's best to leave an original piece original, man up, and take the condition hit (often only a fraction of a judging point that winds up being simply a comment on the score sheet).


              • Carl N.
                • April 30, 1984
                • 592

                Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

                I "believe" the one on the car I own to be original - I purchased car in 1970 so it could have been changed prior to that time - it does not show any signs of plating. I have a spare purchased at Pate in late seventies with no plating (not 4 sale). I have seen several with plated lids sprayed black. will try to send you a pm with picture - kinda busy right now


                • James W.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • November 30, 1990
                  • 2620

                  Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

                  Hello Carl,

                  I was kind of hoping you would see this thread. If you could send me a picture or two when you have time that would be greatly appreciated.

                  Best Regards,

                  James West

                  Originally posted by Carl Nicholl (7368)
                  I "believe" the one on the car I own to be original - I purchased car in 1970 so it could have been changed prior to that time - it does not show any signs of plating. I have a spare purchased at Pate in late seventies with no plating (not 4 sale). I have seen several with plated lids sprayed black. will try to send you a pm with picture - kinda busy right now


                  • Bill W.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • February 29, 1980
                    • 2000

                    Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

                    If there is no plating of any kind is the underside completely covered in black ? if not is there any sign of primer ? If it is bare metal what kept it from rusting ?


                    • Carl N.
                      • April 30, 1984
                      • 592

                      Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

                      James I'll try and send pics tomorrow


                      • Carl N.
                        • April 30, 1984
                        • 592

                        Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

                        Bill, underside of both the ones I have are painted black with white silkscreen - the chrome plated ones I have are silkscreened in black - as to plating under the black i'll have to check, but I do not think the were - they are not bare metal


                        • Gary C.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • March 31, 1998
                          • 368

                          Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

                          Bill check this post regarding painting the underside.


                          • Carl N.
                            • April 30, 1984
                            • 592

                            Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

                            Bill, I took a close look in bright sunlight at both lids I have and cannot see any primer or plating --they have a very light "dusting" of semi-gloss black paint with areas of almost bare steel showing - follow link at end of this thread to pictures of lid off of Jodi's yellow coupe -- this is very close to what I have and have seen over the past 30+ years. I tried to post pictures but no luck - if you and James will send me your e-mail address in a pm i'll share pictures which are a bit better in detail than the ones posted by Jodi - btw - if Jodi is lurking out there - did you sell your L78 ?? just being nosey


                            • Ronald L.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • October 18, 2009
                              • 3248

                              Re: 1965 396 Air Cleaner Lid Restoration & Stencil Application

                              There is another thread that will show you what a 'real' original lid looks like. There are a couple more factors than just de-chroming the lid, especially depending upon where you got the chromed lid to begin with.

                              But let's just say that the originals, of which I have a few, were bare steel and there was one "partial coat of paint" with a very special spray pattern that any one that really knows what to look for can tell if its real or repro; and that paint does not come off with regular things like carb cleaner.


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