Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals

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  • Jeff H.
    • October 1, 1988
    • 53

    Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals

    Hello group,
    Has anyone out there ever had a C2 ('64 non A/C) heater / defroster box apart? I'm rebuilding mine, and purchased a seal kit for it. Aside from the big seals for the dash, there are 3 foam mode door seals in the kit. The small one obviously goes on the defroster mode door. The other 2 are identical size (approx. 3.5" X 5") and would seem to fit the heater / vent mode door behind the heater core. My question is why 2 seals? Does that mode door require 1 on each side? Not sure why it would. Or does the 2nd seal go elsewhere? There is another mode door halfway between the ends of the box, but it is a smaller size, is rather inaccessible and has felt seals on both ends. Where does that 3rd rectangular foam seal belong?? Perhaps back in the spare parts box.
    Jeff Hanson
  • Keith B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 7, 2008
    • 928

    Re: Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals

    Dr Rebuild has a good diagram in his catalog of the heater boxes


    • Stuart F.
      • September 1, 1996
      • 4676

      Re: Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals

      I applaud you for trying to replace the inner seals. Some of us (myself included) only open up the heater box because we have to in order to change out a leaking heater core. In the process, we buy a seal kit because it is a must to reseal the box to the firewall, i.e. you can't save the old seals during removal. For me, I looked at the inner seals and they looked like they were in good enough condition to last at least through my life time so I chose not to touch them.

      Good luck.

      Stu Fox


      • Jeff H.
        • October 1, 1988
        • 53

        Re: Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals

        So, Stu, what did you see inside your heater box as related to seals? Did the big trap door behind the heater core have a foam seal on both sides, or just on the side facing the core?


        • Timothy B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • May 1, 1983
          • 5173

          Re: Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals


          I could be full of hot air here but I think the air door needs a seal on both sides because it keeps heat out when using the vent feature or it keeps vent air from bypassing the core when calling for full heated air. :-)


          • Harry S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 1, 2002
            • 5187

            Re: Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals

            Yes, both sides.


            • Stuart F.
              • September 1, 1996
              • 4676

              Re: Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals


              Here are the references I used to replace my heater core:

              1) Fall of 1999 issue of "The Corvette Restorer", Vol.26, #2, article by Randy Merzdorf on "Mid-Year Heater Core Replacement".

              2) "Corvette Magazine", January 2003 Issue, Pages 90 thru 95, article entitled "Rotten To The Core".

              Jeff, I reviewed each of the references and in both cases they elude to replacing the door seals only if they were damaged by leaking coolant. A lot of help, right? Neither explained how to do it or exactly where they were and what function they performed. I also checked the photos I took during my procedure and they weren't of much help either. I didn't focus on the flapper doors as I determined early on that they looked good functionally (undamaged) and that they might not remain that way if I attempted to replace them.

              Stu Fox


              • Greg C.
                • May 1, 1995
                • 120

                Re: Question: C2 Heater / Defroster Box Internal Seals

                Has anyone experience in taking out the individual diverters/gaskets inside the box?

                I got mine out, and am working on cleaning up the box and replacing the seals, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the diverters out of the box itself. The diverters seem to be spot welded to the rotating mast.
                Am I seeing it wrong?

                I searched this site and the web in general, but couldn't find anything. Lots of people replace heater cores, but I can't find anything on this sub assembly.

                Thanks, in advance.


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