68 Corvette Wheels

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  • Lynn C.
    • July 1, 2013
    • 2

    68 Corvette Wheels

    Did all wheels on 1968 have the same date code or were they mixed prior to build date?
  • Dale C.
    • November 1, 1999
    • 844

    Re: 68 Corvette Wheels

    Did you mean where all the date codes on one particular car the same? I think a car could have different date codes, whatever came out of the lot. I don't think the AG wheels prior to Jan 68 had the dates stamped next to the hole for the valve stem like the ones after Jan. I think there is good info on this in the Judging Manual, in the Spare Wheel section. Dale


    • Jim T.
      • March 1, 1993
      • 5351

      Re: 68 Corvette Wheels

      I have not checked the date codes on my original owner 1968 convertible, something to do if and when I remove the rings covering them.


      • John C.
        • January 1, 2005
        • 616

        Re: 68 Corvette Wheels


        I can't say it is typical, but on my 1968 all 5 wheels had the same date code of 1/31. As Dale noted, early wheels will not have a date code that is visible with a tire on the wheels. For judging they only have to be within 6 months of the cars built date.



        • Sean S.
          Frequent User
          • November 1, 1993
          • 86

          Re: 68 Corvette Wheels

          Ironically, I pulled my spare this afternoon to see if it was original.
          Stamped K 1 8 2 1 AG
          So date would be February 1, 1968.
          My Corvette was born on March 4, 1968, so this would be correct.
          My other 4 wheels were replaced with mags early on, so I can't comment beyond the spare, but it seems logical that all 5 should/could be dated the same.

          John (Carlson), What date was your Corvette born on? Our wheels are only 1 day apart!



          • Jeff P.
            Very Frequent User
            • August 1, 1989
            • 797

            Re: 68 Corvette Wheels

            My 68 Coupe all wheels the same. 68 Convertible all wheels the same.
            68 L79 Convertible: Triple Black: Work In Progress, Body off. Now on!
            2014 Arctic White Z51 Vert. (Wifes)


            • John C.
              • January 1, 2005
              • 616

              Re: 68 Corvette Wheels


              My car was assembled on April 18th. It is interesting to see such a large date spread between when the wheels were used during assembly on our cars as compared to when they were manufactured.



              • Lynn C.
                • July 1, 2013
                • 2

                Re: 68 Corvette Wheels

                Thanks for the info


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