3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp

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  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1983
    • 5172

    3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp

    I wanted to ask if anyone has noticed a difference in the function of aftermarket vs GM heat riser valves and there springs not allowing valve opening after engine warm up.

    I believe my 67 has a aftermarket H/R valve and I am experiencing that after warm up the valve stays just about closed. With slow cruising the gasoline in the accelerator pump vaporizes and makes driving difficult so I wired the valve open. I painted the valve with the exhaust manifolds a long time ago with that high heat exhaust paint so the thermostat spring is painted also and I wonder if that's the reason why it does not expand and open the valve more when hot. Could the painted spring be a problem?

    All comments are appreciated
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: 3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp

    Originally posted by Timothy Barbieri (6542)
    I wanted to ask if anyone has noticed a difference in the function of aftermarket vs GM heat riser valves and there springs not allowing valve opening after engine warm up.

    I believe my 67 has a aftermarket H/R valve and I am experiencing that after warm up the valve stays just about closed. With slow cruising the gasoline in the accelerator pump vaporizes and makes driving difficult so I wired the valve open. I painted the valve with the exhaust manifolds a long time ago with that high heat exhaust paint so the thermostat spring is painted also and I wonder if that's the reason why it does not expand and open the valve more when hot. Could the painted spring be a problem?

    All comments are appreciated


    I very much doubt that the paint on the thermostatic spring would affect the operation of the valve.

    The original GM #3887024 valve was discontinued many years ago and replaced by GM #362652. The latter is still available from GM to this day. However, I'm not sure that it's really different than the valves sold in the aftermarket. I can tell you that the 362652 valves that I've used worked just fine.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Tom D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • October 1, 1981
      • 2101

      Re: 3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp

      You can also buy a spacer to replace the valve. You probably are not driving in the winter anyway...
      Michigan Chapter
      Tom Dingman


      • David L.
        • August 1, 1980
        • 3310

        Re: 3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp

        Here's a photo of a NOS 3887024 heat riser valve.



        • Rob M.
          Very Frequent User
          • May 1, 2003
          • 656

          Re: 3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp


          I replaced my (believed) original with an aftermarket heat riser valve because the original was basically stuck open. The new one doesn't seem to stay open even when at normal operating temps. It opens more when the rpms are go up. I have no idea why that is, or if it's normal, so I wired it open.


          '66 327/300 Regional Top Flt
          '08 6 speed coupe


          • Joe L.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • February 1, 1988
            • 43129

            Re: 3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp

            Originally posted by Rob Myrick (39795)

            I replaced my (believed) original with an aftermarket heat riser valve because the original was basically stuck open. The new one doesn't seem to stay open even when at normal operating temps. It opens more when the rpms are go up. I have no idea why that is, or if it's normal, so I wired it open.



            What you describe is normal for a heat riser valve.
            In Appreciation of John Hinckley


            • Timothy B.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • May 1, 1983
              • 5172

              Re: 3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp

              Thanks everyone for posting, my experience is similar to Rob's in that the valve wants to stay more toward the closed position and with low speed driving the plenum is getting to hot with ethonal fuel and thus the accelerator pump problem. I don't think any fuel is boiling in the float bowl just the pump cavity.

              The only other option is to put a heat shield under the carburetor, something that extends beyond the float bowls to keep the heat off the accelerator pump and leave the heat riser alone. I suspect all aftermarket parts which is why I questioned the aftermarket H/R thermostat spring but never had any issues until last summer.


              • Brian M.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • February 1, 1997
                • 1830

                Re: 3887024 Heat Riser Valve 1967 327/300hp

                I removed the butterfly plate from the heat riser.


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