availability of late C4 engine electrical components. - NCRS Discussion Boards

availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

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  • Keith B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 7, 2008
    • 928

    availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

    I daily drive my 94 LT1 and recently had a few problems come up. where I needed parts. my first call to is my local GM dealer as I get it at list price. and they tell me its long been discontinued. so I call the other parts stores, and of coarse they list the part but its always two days away, and pricy. how long before its obsolete?
  • Lyndon S.
    • April 30, 1988
    • 1027

    Re: availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

    I dont understand the question? Are you talking about the car or the parts?


    • Keith B.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 7, 2008
      • 928

      Re: availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

      The parts that make it drivable


      • Lyndon S.
        • April 30, 1988
        • 1027

        Re: availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

        I would say that most parts should not be a problem in your life time. Now they might just be service replacement parts that might or might not pass judging, but keeping a driver on the road should be no problem as the vast numbers of C 4 cars built and as those get totaled an parted out,


        • Ed H.
          Very Frequent User
          • October 31, 1999
          • 626

          Re: availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

          Keith, what parts are you in need of. I have a 91 L98 daily driver, and a 93 ZR-1. I have had no problem in locating parts I needed for both cars. The L98 is going to Lake Tahoe for a PV, and I had to have the C/D unit rebuilt. It was not cheap but not over the top. I have discovered a few folks that have various
          parts that I needed. Let me know what exactly you are looking for and maybe I can point you in the right direction. All my parts were for judging and driving.


          • Kenneth B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 31, 1984
            • 2083

            Re: availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

            Don't let anyone kid you. Electrical parts & other parts will be very hard to come by. This has been discussed on here before.
            65 350 TI CONV 67 J56 435 CONV,67,390/AIR CONV,70 454/air CONV,


            • James W.
              • November 30, 1986
              • 278

              Re: availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

              Yes, haters will hate. Heard all this before when I bought my 71 back in 86. The only good car is the one a person owns (or wants). As many C4s as there are the aftermarket will pick up the slack. If you look at each generation as they become popular parts appear. Love the C4, much better car than the C3



              • Pat M.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 31, 2006
                • 1564

                Re: availability of late C4 engine electrical components.

                Originally posted by James White (10751)
                Yes, haters will hate. Heard all this before when I bought my 71 back in 86. The only good car is the one a person owns (or wants). As many C4s as there are the aftermarket will pick up the slack. If you look at each generation as they become popular parts appear. Love the C4, much better car than the C3

                Agree all the way around.


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