1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question - NCRS Discussion Boards

1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question

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  • David L.
    • July 31, 1980
    • 3310

    1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question

    1. Did the 1957 Corvettes use the 1119001 regulator on "early" models and the 1119002 regulator on "late" models?

    Two years ago I had a "1119001" regulator (top photo) dated "6H" (August 1956) with slotted pan head cover screws. Yesterday at a swap meet I found a "1119002" regulator (bottom photo) dated "7F" (June 1957) with hex head washer head type screws with a slot.


  • Gary C.
    • October 1, 1982
    • 17457

    Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question


    No. 002 voltage regulators were passenger car. Slotted pan head screws are correct. Hex head is not.

    Notice the part number is all in a single line. 1957 factory installed voltage regulator is in a single line. Service replacements were two lines. First line 1119 with second line the part number 001.

    NCRS Texas Chapter



    • Mike E.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • February 28, 1975
      • 5115

      Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question

      Isn't there a difference in amperage between the two (30 vs. 35?)


      • Gary C.
        • October 1, 1982
        • 17457

        Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question

        9002 is 35 amp 9001 is 30 amp.

        Checked 58 & 61 P&A30 - 9002 is listed in Group 2.5, but 9001 is not.

        61 P&A 30 says to use 1119261 to replace 1119001. Also says 9001 is used for 59-61 with F.I. w/hi lift cam hi perf.

        NCRS Texas Chapter



        • Tom P.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 31, 1980
          • 1812

          Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question

          What, if any, issues or problems will occure if a 30amp regulator is used with a 35amp generator or if a 35amp reg is used with a 30amp gen?
          And, furthermore, how does one determine if a genarator is a 30 or 35amp version?
          For example, the generator on the 56 has been rebuilt (20-25yrs ago) with an NOS GM armature, bearings and new brushes. The armature (as best as I recall) was listed for both Vettes with tach drive as well as for 55-59 pass cars with Pwr steering.


          • Gary C.
            • October 1, 1982
            • 17457

            Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question


            Attached Delco parts catalog pages for Chevrolet and Corvette.

            1) 30 amp regulator used with a 35 amp generator
            - wouldn't expect any problems

            2) 35 amp regulator used with a 30 amp generator
            - probably none

            Attached Files
            NCRS Texas Chapter



            • Jim L.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • September 30, 1979
              • 1781

              Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question

              Originally posted by Tom Parsons (3491)
              What, if any, issues or problems will occure if a 30amp regulator is used with a 35amp generator or if a 35amp reg is used with a 30amp gen?
              The regulator limits how much current the generator is permitted to produce.

              So, if a 30 Amp regulator is used with a generator capable of 35 Amps, you won't get all the current the generator could produce, but its reliability would probably improve a little.

              Going the other way, 30 Amp generator and 35 Amp regulator, the generator could, under some circumstances, be asked to produce more than it's capable of doing. Not a good thing for the generator but it's probable such an overload would be short duration. There could be a slight reduction in generator reliability.

              And, furthermore, how does one determine if a genarator is a 30 or 35amp version?
              Good question, Tom. 25 and 30 Amp generators are easily distinguished by case length. But 30 and 35 Amp generators always used the same case, AFAIK. You'd have to survey the innards to find out.

              Last edited by Jim L.; May 5, 2013, 08:09 PM.


              • Jim L.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • September 30, 1979
                • 1781

                Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question


                That Delco chart for Chevrolet generators and regulators has at least one suspect entry.

                It calls for a D3105 armature for all '55 - '57 w/o power steering. The low perf engines in those years used 25 Amp generators while the high perf engines (in at least '57) used 30 Amp generators which have longer cases and armatures. IOW, a D3105, if it's right for a 25 Amp generator couldn't possibly be right for a 30 Amp generator.

                Similar comment for the entry which says the D617 regulator applies to all '55 - '57 passenger cars w/o PS.



                • Tom P.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • March 31, 1980
                  • 1812

                  Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question

                  As I mentioned, the armature for the Vette tach drive gen and the armature for a pass car with PS (both have the splined shaft on the rear of the armature) show to be the same armature. Soooooooooooooooooo, other than the field coils, where could the difference be between a 30 and 35amp version?


                  • Jim L.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • September 30, 1979
                    • 1781

                    Re: 1957 Voltage Regulator (1119001 & 1119002) Question

                    Originally posted by Tom Parsons (3491)
                    As I mentioned, the armature for the Vette tach drive gen and the armature for a pass car with PS (both have the splined shaft on the rear of the armature) show to be the same armature. Soooooooooooooooooo, other than the field coils, where could the difference be between a 30 and 35amp version?
                    Good question, Tom.

                    My best references relate to '57 passenger cars, so I've been surveying these. Generators were available in 25, 30, 35, and 40 amp models. Each of these four generators had a unique armature, which makes sense because it's the armature which actually puts out the current.

                    25 Amp armatures are approximately 9" long
                    30 and 35 Amp generators are approximately 10" long
                    40 Amp generators are approximately 11" long.

                    So, visually distinguishing 30 Amp armatures from 35 Amp armatures probably comes down to wire size and number of turns of wire.

                    Also, as you suspect, each of these four generators employs a unique set of field coils.

                    In light of the above info, which comes from a '58-dated P&A 30, it's not at all clear what one would end up having after having a generator rebuilt using universal parts from the Delco catalog pages that Gary posted.



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