1. Did the 1957 Corvettes use the 1119001 regulator on "early" models and the 1119002 regulator on "late" models?
Two years ago I had a "1119001" regulator (top photo) dated "6H" (August 1956) with slotted pan head cover screws. Yesterday at a swap meet I found a "1119002" regulator (bottom photo) dated "7F" (June 1957) with hex head washer head type screws with a slot.

Two years ago I had a "1119001" regulator (top photo) dated "6H" (August 1956) with slotted pan head cover screws. Yesterday at a swap meet I found a "1119002" regulator (bottom photo) dated "7F" (June 1957) with hex head washer head type screws with a slot.
