Brake fluid capacity 1954

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  • Duke W.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 1, 1993
    • 15490

    Re: Brake fluid capacity 1954

    IIRC the '63 brake system capacity is 0.65 pint. A '54 would likely be no more. A quart should be enough to fill and bleed the system. When I flush replace brake fluid I flush a quart through to make sure is thoroughly flushed.

    It's best to use new fluid, but if I have some old fluid around I'll use it first, then flush through the fresh quart. I don't think old fluid will absorb significant moisture if the cap is tightly sealed, and a plastic container will not corrode.



    • David W.
      • June 1, 1990
      • 51



      • Duke W.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 1, 1993
        • 15490

        Re: Brake fluid capacity 1954

        Is the '54 master cylinder on the cowl or under the floorboard on the frame like the estwhile Williams family '54 Pontiac Catalina Coupe that was owned for over ten years? I remember that M/C was rather small. To access it you lifted up the carpet and removed a plug on the side of the tranmssion tunnel.

        BTW I also recommend filling or flushiing from the shortest to longest line. That's the quickest way to fill the feed pipe from the M/C to the junction block. I've never understood the reason behind GM's recommendation to go longest to shortest. Either way should work, but it's a matter of which one requires the fewest pedal pumps to fill the system and bleed out all the air.



        • David W.
          • June 1, 1990
          • 51

          Re: Brake fluid capacity 1954

          Hi, Duke...The master cylinder on the '54 Corvette is on the left side of the fire wall, under the hood, above the steering column. Easy to get at.


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