Automatic digital a/c heater air-conditioning climate control 86-89 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Automatic digital a/c heater air-conditioning climate control 86-89

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  • Lyndon S.
    • April 30, 1988
    • 1027

    Automatic digital a/c heater air-conditioning climate control 86-89

    Does anyone repair these units? on the way home last week from my chapter meet mine got hung up on like 90. And it will not go down, makes me feel like I am in the old big block. would like to know if someone can go through these units or do you just replace them?
  • Jim T.
    • February 28, 1993
    • 5351

    Re: Automatic digital a/c heater air-conditioning climate control 86-89

    Lyndon a person that may have the answer to your problem and even perhaps fix your unit in your C4 is

    Gordon worked at the Corvette plant and was one of the persons C4 owners used to be able to call and get help with their C4's when this service at the plant was available.


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