Rear Spring Installation

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  • Mike M.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 25, 2011
    • 297

    Rear Spring Installation

    I have had Bair's to rebuild the trailing arms on my '65 Coupe (TF 11/12). I have rebuilt all of the components back there including the rear 9 leaf spring. We are having some difficulty getting the spring pressed up enough to engage the long bolt that secures it to the end of the trailing arm. What is the best way to get this done. The car is on a lift and I probably need to start by getting it off the lift. Thanks for any guidance on this.
  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1983
    • 5173

    Re: Rear Spring Installation


    Remember if you take it off the lift to support the frame because the spring is what holds it up. When I do mine they are on the ground and I use a small 2 ton rolling jack with a soft (1/2") thick piece of rubber so the jack does not slip on the spring. Put it somewhere close to the end of the main leaf and jack it up to secure the bolt.

    Also, remember to leave the four spring to rear axle bolts loose until the car weight is on the ground then tighten to specs.


    • William L.
      Very Frequent User
      • December 1, 1988
      • 944

      Re: Rear Spring Installation

      Jeff Peters & I wrote an article on a simple and safe way to install a rear spring. Its in the St Louis NCRS Chapter news letter of Sept. 2011 under "Relieving Tension"
      Hopefully this link will take you to it.
      Give it a try.
      Good luck
      Bill Lacy
      1967 427/435 National Top Flight Bloomington Gold
      1998 Indy Pacecar


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