Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

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  • Harry L.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 22, 2008
    • 370

    Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

    Has anyone that purchased the wrong bumper bolts from Long Island corvette tried to receive any type of compensation?
  • Harry L.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 22, 2008
    • 370

    Re: Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

    Also,They were the wrong nuts sold


    • Gary B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • February 1, 1997
      • 6861

      Re: Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

      Harry (Dutch?),

      In my opinion none of the major Corvette reproduction parts companies, such as LIC, Paragon, Ecklers, Volunteer, etc., sell reproduction bumper bolts that are not detectably different from original bumper bolts in some subtle or not so subtle detail once you know what to look for. I also believe that none of those companies state that their bumper bolts will definitely pass NCRS judging. So, in my opinion it's caveat emptor. If one studies bumper bolts in depth, one can learn the differences between repros and originals. I would not expect any of the catalog companies to, say, offer a refund after one has received a deduct at an NCRS event for having repro bumper bolts that lack some small detail or have some subtle font difference in head mark. While we all would like those companies to make every reproduction part spot on when compared to original parts, but that's just not the case for some items. One has the option of searching for nice original bumper bolts that can be cleaned up and replated, and if one is vigilant, one can put together a complete set via e-bay purchases. Several people, including myself, have done just that and that is the only way that I know of to maximize the likelihood of getting all of your originality points. (As an aside, Richard Fortier can supply repro RSC bumper bolts for those with late C2 cars and, just speaking for myself, I cannot distinguish his repro RSC bolts from originals. But Richard has invested an amazing amount of time and resources to make that happen and part of his repro process involves an essential step by hand for each individual bolt, so mass production is not feasible in that case.)

      Regarding the bumper nuts, I've heard from a reliable source that as a result of my recent article in the Restorer on C2 bumper nuts, LIC will start selling kits with more correct nuts in the near future.

      But I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for the big catalog companies to ever make 100% correct bumper bolts, since I don't think that will ever happen.



      • Harry L.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 22, 2008
        • 370

        Re: Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

        Gary, you are right, the bumper kit was not advertised as correct. There must be reasons why products cannot be made correct? Dutch


        • Gary B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 1, 1997
          • 6861

          Re: Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

          Originally posted by Harry Long (49801)
          Gary, you are right, the bumper kit was not advertised as correct. There must be reasons why products cannot be made correct? Dutch

          Two reasons that I can think of: 1) desire; 2) but ultimately cost.



          • Gene M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • April 1, 1985
            • 4232

            Re: Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

            I would not think the jobber offered 65-66 bumper hardware will get thru NCRS judging. The finish is incorrect, GM did not chromate treat these pieces and the nut hex size is wrong. Both obvious deviations.

            Also the 4 front brace spacers should be unplated bare steel or in some cases black film.


            • Peter L.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • June 1, 1983
              • 1930

              Re: Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

              Yep. That's why they are called reproduction parts. And don't forget "let the buyer beware." Pete


              • Monte M.
                • January 1, 1991
                • 687

                Re: Wrong 1966 bumper bolts

                You guys need to remember that even if somethings says"passes Flight Judging" that just means it will pass judging. You may even loose some points with the part.
                Example;Crane's Big Block valve covers say, "Pass Flight Judging". The are similar to original, but in no way can be mistaken for originals. They pass judging even though you loose some points for the very different than originals.

                So be very careful in choosing re-pop parts. Some say, "Exactly as the originals" which mean you should not be able to tell the difference between the re-pop's and originals, while "passes Flight Judging" means they pass, but in the case of the valve covers it might have also said, "but are in no way to be mistaken for originals"


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