BOARD Decision? For SALE section No news is... no news. - NCRS Discussion Boards

BOARD Decision? For SALE section No news is... no news.

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  • Greg C.
    • April 30, 1995
    • 120

    BOARD Decision? For SALE section No news is... no news.

    Any word yet what decision was made by the board regarding the for sale section. Somebody has to have heard something. With all the e-mailing of board members, and an official proposal sent, the silence is kind of deafening.
  • Dick W.
    Former NCRS Director Region IV
    • June 30, 1985
    • 10483

    Re: BOARD Decision? For SALE section No news is... no news.

    Greg, NCRS Pres made an announcement. It is in the "stickey" section at the top of the page.
    Dick Whittington


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