Balancing a fan/clutch/pulley assembly?

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  • Joe C.
    • September 1, 1999
    • 4598

    Re: Balancing a fan/clutch/pulley assembly?

    Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

    I was not aware that any manufacturer was making these 5/8" shaft bearings with roller bearings but, obviously, some are. Is there any sort of manufacturer's ID seen on the end of the shaft? It might be hard to see.

    I agree with Edward on the nuts. They should not be there. The studs should thread right into the hub. The nuts imply stripped threads in the hub in which case the best plan is to replace the hub.


    I believe FAG makes them. I had my pump rebuilt by Howard Stewart Pumps in High Point NC, and I specified a roller bearing. I asked him to check with FAG and he found it.


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