63 Turn signal cable question...

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  • Jim F.
    • December 15, 2010
    • 29

    63 Turn signal cable question...

    Howdy all! I was wondering if someone could tell me the best and easiest way, if there is such a thing, to replace the turn signal cable on my 63 coupe. Suggestions?


  • Monte M.
    • January 1, 1991
    • 687

    Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...


    I do not know of any such thing.

    What is the condition you are trying to rectify?


    • Richard M.
      Super Moderator
      • September 1, 1988
      • 11243

      Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...

      Another 1963 one year only item.....
      AIM Section 12 Sheets B6 & B7 show it. The 1963 Service Manual has good info also.

      The cable attaches to a lever in the hub, then connects to the directional switch at the lower end of the column just before the firewall interior.

      You'll have to remove the steering wheel to get at the cable. Take note of the flat spring and plastic roller positions for reassembly. Also notice the plastic canceling cam behind the wheel hub which can break easily.

      Remove the screw holding the cable assembly in the hub.Release the cable end at the switch by depressing the spring tab as you pull it out towards you from the hub. You may want to tape a string to the end to assist reassembly with the new cable.

      When you reinstall the cable, center the directional lever and the tab on the switch. It may take a bit of adjusting at the switch to get it centered.


      • Mike M.
        NCRS Past President
        • June 1, 1974
        • 8331

        Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...

        i you need pieces to replace broken ones, corvairs of the early 60's will donate. mike


        • Harry S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 1, 2002
          • 5181

          Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...

          www.licorvette.com part 18-58 http://www.parts123.com/parts123/yb....5AAIIZ~Z5Z5Z51


          • Wayne P.
            • January 23, 2008
            • 444

            Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...

            Jim I found it easier to take out the driver seat then take stearing wheel off , then remove colunb from car.
            Good time to clean it up and inspect lower bearing. Just my 2 cents. I just did this on my 64


            • Jim F.
              • December 15, 2010
              • 29

              Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...

              Thank you all for the info, especially Richard. That was exactly what I wanted to know. I wasn't sure if I needed to pull the column to do the job. Thanks again. And now on to Saturday's project.


              • Jim F.
                • December 15, 2010
                • 29

                Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...

                Thanks Harry!


                • Jim F.
                  • December 15, 2010
                  • 29

                  Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...

                  Thanks Wayne! Yea, I was figuring I should pull the column but wasn't sure if it was necessary. I just might do that.


                  • Gerald C.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • July 1, 1987
                    • 1254

                    Re: 63 Turn signal cable question...

                    Another question for the group...The cable end inside the steering housing keeps coming off of the lever inside. Is there a proper way to attach the cable end so that it doesn't come off? The AIM isn't very clear. A picture would be great or any thoughts will be appreciated.



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