'62 Cowl Vent Assembly Paint Question - NCRS Discussion Boards

'62 Cowl Vent Assembly Paint Question

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  • Bill O.
    • March 31, 2006
    • 542

    '62 Cowl Vent Assembly Paint Question

    Need some help. I’ve searched the archives and the CD but can’t seem to find the answer. Sorry if it’s out there and I just missed it.

    While it seems to be confirmed that the cowl vent lever assembly, including the lower adjusting link, should be painted black, I can’t locate specifics on the color of the cowl vent assembly, itself, and the arm that connects to the lower adjusting link before the car is painted (I’m assuming that already-painted white, red,black, etc. cowl vent assemblies weren’t stacked waiting to be matched to cars that would be painted white, red, black, etc.).

    So, if its installed at time of exterior painting, a white car… from under the dash… may show signs of white overspray as paint passed through the screen wire into the cabin. And if so, was the cowl vent assembly also painted black before the exterior was painted…only to receive exterior color overspray here and there inside?

    Could someone explain how it was done?

    Thanks very much.
  • Bill M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1977
    • 1386

    Re: '62 Cowl Vent Assembly Paint Question

    This is the cowl vent as painted at St. Louis for my white/red '59.


    • Bill O.
      • March 31, 2006
      • 542

      Re: '62 Cowl Vent Assembly Paint Question

      Thanks, Bill.
      That's the answer.


      • Gary C.
        • October 1, 1982
        • 17457

        Re: '62 Cowl Vent Assembly Paint Question


        IIRC the cowl vent was one of the items painted in the passenger side floor?

        NCRS Texas Chapter



        • Bill O.
          • March 31, 2006
          • 542

          Re: '62 Cowl Vent Assembly Paint Question

          Thanks, Gary.
          Texting with the grandkids, I see.


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