Mid Year trailing arm bearing/spindle support

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  • Nick K.
    Frequent User
    • December 1, 1999
    • 75

    Re: Mid Year trailing arm bearing/spindle support

    Thanks Pat for the suggestion. I'm not sure that brazing would hold but it's a definite option to consider.
    Nick Kammer, #33307
    Miami Valley Chapter (Dayton, Ohio)


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43133

      Re: Mid Year trailing arm bearing/spindle support

      Originally posted by Nick Kammer (33307)
      Thanks Pat for the suggestion. I'm not sure that brazing would hold but it's a definite option to consider.


      I thought of another approach that might enable you to save the 63 supports assuming that just new shock mount shafts don't do the trick. This would involve having a small groove machined into the shock mount shaft approximately at the location of where the shaft interfaces with the "flat" on the spindle support ear. Then, install a woodruff key in the groove. Finally, file or grind a key-way in the "flat" area of the hole so that the woodruff key locks into it. This would prevent any possible rotation of the shaft. You would need to be very careful to locate the proper location on the shaft to have the groove machined and you would need to ensure that the woodruff key, once installed, did not extend beyond the rear surface of the spindle flange ear with the D shaped hole as the slotted nut MUST seat on this surface.

      It's kind of an elaborate and challenging fix but if all else fails it should allow you to retain the 63 supports.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • Nick K.
        Frequent User
        • December 1, 1999
        • 75

        Re: Mid Year trailing arm bearing/spindle support

        Thanks for the idea Joe. I'll talk to a buddy of mine who owns a machine shop. He might be able to help me out. One more question. Were there ever serrated washers between the outer strut rods/bushings and the bearing support arms? Someone told me there were but the AIM and Shop Manual make no mention or show any in the exploded views. I do see that there are caps in between the inner strut rods/bushings and strut rod mounting bracket attached to the differential.
        Nick Kammer, #33307
        Miami Valley Chapter (Dayton, Ohio)


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • February 1, 1988
          • 43133

          Re: Mid Year trailing arm bearing/spindle support

          Originally posted by Nick Kammer (33307)
          Thanks for the idea Joe. I'll talk to a buddy of mine who owns a machine shop. He might be able to help me out. One more question. Were there ever serrated washers between the outer strut rods/bushings and the bearing support arms? Someone told me there were but the AIM and Shop Manual make no mention or show any in the exploded views. I do see that there are caps in between the inner strut rods/bushings and strut rod mounting bracket attached to the differential.

          There were no washers, serrated or otherwise, used between the strut rod bushings and the spindle support ears. Some folks might get that idea because of the marks usually seen on the inner surface of the spindle support ears. However, these marks are caused by the "serrated" ends of the bushing's inner retainer (tube) when the ears are compressed by the large slotted nut. I believe this is a design feature to ensure non-rotation of the inner retainer.

          On the strut rod bracket end (i.e. under the differential) there were CAPS used on both sides of the bushings. However, these were not "serrated" in any way although such impressions might develop on the inner side of the cap after long installation on the car as a result of their contact with the bushing inner retainer.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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