1966 Judging Guides - NCRS Discussion Boards

1966 Judging Guides

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  • Joseph U.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 2001
    • 241

    1966 Judging Guides

    While involved in another post it was mentioned that there were going to be pictures in the new Judging Guide for '67s.
    I just renewed my membership and noted that the 5th edition of the 1966 Judging Guide has a picture on the front and costs $50. Is there a difference in the 5th Edition when compared to the 4th edition. Specifically are there pictures in the "Guide". Pictures would be most helpful and well worth any additional cost (up to a limit of course). Does anyone have any familiarity with both the 4th and the 5th editions of the guides?
  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 2006
    • 1822

    Re: 1966 Judging Guides


    I have both editions of the 66 TIM&JG. The latest is much better, lots of pictures.



    • Joseph U.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 30, 2001
      • 241

      Re: 1966 Judging Guides

      Thanks Joe,
      I need to order one of those right now.
      I "love" and "need" pictures.


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