Steering lower worm cap leakng

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  • Greg S.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1995
    • 243

    Steering lower worm cap leakng

    The lower worm gear bearing cap on the steering shaft has come loose and has started leaking. I know how to readjust the preload but I need ideas on how to seal the threads of the cap so that it doesn't leak or work loose again. Will I need to remove the worm gear bearing cap entirely to clean out all the threads of grease?
  • Stan G.
    • January 1, 1996
    • 106

    Re: Steering lower worm cap leakng

    This has been discussed before , research the archives . the front cap does not have a seal , and the steering box should be filled with chassis grease only and not gear lube as some people fill it with . Now why it loosened up I don't know , maybe it wasn't tight in the first place .


    • Greg S.
      Very Frequent User
      • August 1, 1995
      • 243

      Re: Steering lower worm cap leakng

      I was looking for specific ideas on what sealant to use on the worm gear cap. Archive search has much on rebuild process but nothing on type of sealant. I used Calcagno article when rebuilding system ten years ago. He says use never seize. Don't recall if I followed his suggestion but it leaks now.


      • Stan G.
        • January 1, 1996
        • 106

        Re: Steering lower worm cap leakng

        I don't think it ever had any sealant used on it . I first filled mine with gear lube the first time and it just ran right through it , consulted the people who rebuilt it and they told me and others have confirmed it that only chassis lube ( grease ) is to be used . I didn't drain mine but keep filling it with grease eventually it will stop , still drips a little . it doesn't matter how tight you tighten the cap any thing but grease will follow the threads out and drip on the floor. This cap never had any type of seal used on it. What did you put in yours .


        • Greg S.
          Very Frequent User
          • August 1, 1995
          • 243

          Re: Steering lower worm cap leakng

          I used the recommended GM steering box lube that I bought from GM dealer. It is thicker than 90 weight but thinner than chassis lube. I still have two more tubes of it. Whatever I used on the threads kept it from leaking for many years. It will be difficult and messy to stop the leak with the steering column in the car. Was hoping someone would have faced this problem before and might have a solution.


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