How much less points for no overspray? - NCRS Discussion Boards

How much less points for no overspray?

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  • Claus S.
    • December 29, 2010
    • 414

    How much less points for no overspray?

    I am thinking of the engine bay of a restored 1963 - 67 Corvette that have no overspray of paint on the bellhousing or the usual places
    How many points will you loose if you have a car that is very well done, but have no overspray of paint on the engine and parts that had it from the factory?
    The reason why i ask this is because i plan on taking out the engine to give it new paint i i am thinking of doing a neat job without any paint overspray
  • Daniel Y.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 30, 2002
    • 185

    Re: How much less points for no overspray?

    a point here and there - i cant think of anymore than 4 or 5 points depending on how far you go with it
    Dan Young

    65, 67 Duntov x2
    66 bowtie x 2
    71 LT1 TF
    90 ZR1 McCelland
    03 Anniverary
    06 Z06


    • Joseph S.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 28, 1985
      • 798

      Re: How much less points for no overspray?

      Should be a 4 point deduct. Engine paint is 20 points, 20% of that for improper installation.


      • Claus S.
        • December 29, 2010
        • 414

        Re: How much less points for no overspray?

        I think when i paint the engine i will have it clean and tidy so that means no overspray of paint

        If i do not change my mind since there is a couple of months until i will do the job


        • Jeff P.
          • August 31, 1998
          • 43

          Re: How much less points for no overspray?

          I sure like the look of an "over restored" engine. I think that's what GM would have liked them to look like. Unless you really "need" the points I'd do it your way. You can always go back and do the overspray treatment later if you wanted to.


          • Claus S.
            • December 29, 2010
            • 414

            Re: How much less points for no overspray?

            Well, i guess i have made up my mind and that is to have no overspray of paint anywhere in the engine compartment
            There are not to many NCRS events here in northern Europe so i will rather do it how i like it
            That means neat and tidy

            When i installed a new exhaust on the car the furthest thing in my mind was to have the "blacked out" look on the rear mufflers(should have had runs in the paint as well to have it factory)
            So i will be tidy where GM was in a "hurry"


            • Robert K.
              Very Frequent User
              • July 31, 1984
              • 213

              Re: How much less points for no overspray?

              As I remember back in the 80s, Mike Ernst had a picture of the asembly line in 1962 that had 3 engine assemblies on the hook side by side. One had little if any overspray, one had alot of overspray and the 3rd had an orange bell housing. I guess it depends on who pulled the trigger and who the judge is.


              • Rob M.
                NCRS IT Developer
                • January 1, 2004
                • 12659

                Re: How much less points for no overspray?

                Originally posted by Claus Roger Schjerverud (52628)
                Well, i guess i have made up my mind and that is to have no overspray of paint anywhere in the engine compartment
                There are not to many NCRS events here in northern Europe so i will rather do it how i like it
                That means neat and tidy
                Hi Claus,

                We are looking forward to judge your car one day...

                Rob Musquetier
                Judging Chairman of the Dutch Chapter

                NCRS Dutch Chapter Founder & Board Member
                NCRS Software Developer
                C1, C2 and C3 Registry Developer


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