New Al Knoch 1967 headrest cover installation

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  • Greg C.
    • February 5, 2013
    • 29

    New Al Knoch 1967 headrest cover installation

    Hi guys...have any of you installed new Al Knoch 1967 headrest covers?...they dont seem to make any sense,they dont come with installation directions...I have consulted the GM assembly manual...doesnt make sense either...even took it to an upholstery shop...they scratched their heads...did I get a pair of incorrectly made covers?...I have used Al Knock for years and had no problems. I contacted them and they said they would get back to me (I hope) ..has anyone run into this problem as well?...please enlighten me ..thanks ,Greg
  • Glen C.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1985
    • 193

    Re: New Al Knoch 1967 headrest cover installation

    I recently ordered some 65/66 headrest covers from Paragon, there were no instructions, however, with a great deal of difficulty, I was able to get one of the covers over the headrest foam. But, I was unable to properly insert the bottom edges, with the sewn on plastic strip, into the metal locking devices on the bottom. Luckily, When I went to the Old Town Florida NCRS event in January 2013. I saw Al Knoch and ask him if the head rests covers that Paragon sells were his covers. He said they were and he would install them for me. Later that day I watched one of his employees repair some minor damage that I had caused, and install the headrests covers. Too detailed for me to describe here, so PM me for phone number if you want a more detailed description. Glen


    • Greg C.
      • February 5, 2013
      • 29

      Re: New Al Knoch 1967 headrest cover installation

      Hey Glen!..thanks so much...yes please I'd love to give you a call..if you want to keep your number private please email me it ( or just leave your contact info here...thanks again,Greg


      • Greg C.
        • February 5, 2013
        • 29

        Re: New Al Knoch 1967 headrest cover installation

        Hey thanks to Glen for his help...with more searching I found that my original metal frames had the retainers removed at some point!! wonder the covers didnt work!!..anybody have some for sale?


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