1958 Motor mount nut inspection marks

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  • Justin B.
    • March 1, 1996
    • 478

    1958 Motor mount nut inspection marks

    Are early 58's supposed to have the orange swipes of paint on the 2 motor mount nuts? If so, is it Chevy orange?
  • Frank P.
    Frequent User
    • April 1, 1985
    • 64

    Re: 1958 Motor mount nut inspection marks

    Yes, they should be marked. Should be a dab of RED paint. Nail polish works fine.


    • Jerry C.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 1, 1995
      • 741

      Re: 1958 Motor mount nut inspection marks

      It used to be red and then changed to none and now they like orange.


      • Gary C.
        • October 1, 1982
        • 17395

        Re: 1958 Motor mount nut inspection marks

        What does the 58 AIM about say in regards to engine installation procedure? Gary....

        This is what the 56-7 AIM Section 6 Sheet 6 says - and there's no mention of a torque inspection mark:
        3. After assembling engine in chassis:
        Tighten two lower L.H. frame bracket bolts. Tighten two upper L.H. frame bracket bolts. Insert shims on R.H. side as indicated on side member. Tighten two lower R.H. frame bracket bolts. Tighten two upper R.H. frame bracket bolts. Remove engine from locator and jack. (Weight of engine is now on front & rear mounts). Tighten R.H. mounting bolt nut to specified torque. Tighten the 4 transmission support crossmember bolts. Shake engine (to relieve strain on mounts). Tighten L.H. mounting bolt nut to torque specified.
        NCRS Texas Chapter



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