Radiator troubles?

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  • Kurt G.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 1, 2005
    • 343

    Radiator troubles?

    If you have an oldie but goodie, at some point in time you will run into radiator problems of some sort. During a recent front suspension restoration project, the dreaded 4 words (while we're this far) came out, and I figured it was a good time to check my 41 year old radiator for pressure and leaks, not that I had anything visible. I went in search of a good shop to check mine out. What I found was typical, as I understand, for many areas. There aren't many radiator repair shops left anymore. I got lucky and found one nearby and took my old copper radiator in to get it checked out. The owner of the shop was great to talk to, and with over 25 years in the business, seemed to know what he was talking about. I left mine with him, and he called about 4 hours later telling me it was done. When I got to the shop he showed me the repairs he made to the tanks where the radiator hoses attach, and one leak in the tubing. Total charges, $40. I was prepared for much more.

    Flash forward two months when I got the radiator back in the car. Shroud installed and filled up. What, one more leak. Yuck. Took it out of the car and back to the shop we went. The owner dropped what he was doing and dunked the radiator in his tank and aired it up. We found 4 more leaks in the tubes. They were small, but I didn't want to have to yank the darn thing out again later. So, a call to Paragon for a replacement core from DeWitt. The guy took my tanks off the old core and put them on the new one. Looks and works awesome. The charge, $75.

    I was shocked at the quality of work and especially the cost. I guess this guy is one of only about 450 active radiator shops left in the country. I would highly recommend the shop, B & R Radiator in Wichita, KS. They do great work, take pride in their work and have the old school knowledge and philosophy of doing it right.
    Kurt Geis
    Chairman, Midway USA Chapter
    Targa Blue 1972, Top Flight and Duntov Award, 2014
    Arctic White 1994, Top Flight, Hrt. of Amer. Reg. 2011
    Arctic White 2013 60th Anniv Special Edition Conv.
  • Robert M.
    Frequent User
    • January 1, 1992
    • 77

    Re: Radiator troubles?

    I did the same, ordered a new core from Paragon and had our guy here in town solder on the new tanks, only difference he charged me $200.00. Us Canadians are accustomed to paying more.


    • Stephen R.
      Very Frequent User
      • May 21, 2008
      • 302

      Re: Radiator troubles?

      I found a guy around here who repaired my original radiator off of my 59. He had two old/repaired cores sitting on a shelf which I bought. Total bill $250.


      • George W.
        Very Frequent User
        • August 1, 1998
        • 322

        Re: Radiator troubles?

        Wow Kurt, great story; you did good...
        Dr. George


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