What are the distinguishable differences between 57-58 and 59-62 Shifter Handle? - NCRS Discussion Boards

What are the distinguishable differences between 57-58 and 59-62 Shifter Handle?

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  • Mark S.
    • January 25, 2013
    • 88

    What are the distinguishable differences between 57-58 and 59-62 Shifter Handle?

    Are there any distinguishable differences between a 57-58 versus 59-62 chrome Shifter Handle? I am aware the 59-62 has a Shifter Shield that covers the reverse lockout mechanism and is attached and the bottom of the Shifter Handle via a small pin. Does the 57-58 Shifter Handle also have this small pin insertion hole, I am assuming not? What differences if any exist between these two shift handles?
  • Mike E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 28, 1975
    • 5115

    Re: What are the distinguishable differences between 57-58 and 59-62 Shifter Handle?

    59-62 has a vertical machined groove 5/16? Wide, on the driver side, for the lockout to move up and down in. 56-58 does not.


    • Mark S.
      • January 25, 2013
      • 88

      Re: What are the distinguishable differences between 57-58 and 59-62 Shifter Handle?

      Thank you Mike.


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