1959 Front parking light asemblies

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  • James O.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1985
    • 160

    1959 Front parking light asemblies

    Just replaced my 1959 front parking light assemblies with repros. The quality was excellent but i have a few questions.

    I switched over the wire sheathing from my old ones because the repros were much thinner material and did not cover the back of the lens socket. My old one were black but are they supposed to be gray?

    There is a noticeable tit on the front of the old lens that is missing from the reporo. Which is correct?

    The mounting hardware provided was plated studs and speed nuts as shown mounted in the photo. The old ones were unplated with thin hex nuts and flat washers. Again, which is correct? Just trying to figure out if i should be re-using some of the old parts.
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  • Mike E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 1, 1975
    • 5106

    Re: 1959 Front parking light asemblies

    Black is correct. So is nuts with washers.


    • Tom B.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 1, 1978
      • 720

      Re: 1959 Front parking light asemblies

      Can the original studs be installed into the repro housings? I'd swap the lenses too.



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